chapter 5 the designer

Start from the beginning

"Chat distract the designer while I get his hat." Ladybug says.

"Ok." I point my bow at him.

"This is just too easy." The designer says with an evil laugh. He points at the street and lady wifi flies up the building on the Hoverboard like thing.

"We still out number you." Chat says.

"Not for long." The designer says. He points at a window and out comes antibug.

"This is like what happened with the pupiter." Ladybug says a little annoyed.

I shoot an arrow at lady wifi. She pauses it like I hoped she would. (She posted all her videos she made while being lady wifi on her ladyblog.) "Honey comb!" I yell touching her.

She tries to swipe a pause at me, but her finger gets stuck to the screen. She tries to walk forward, but falls down and gets stuck to the ground.

"One down, two more to go." I say.

I shoot an arrow at antibug. It hits her making her fall asleep. *Beep! Beep!* My Miraculous bings making a stripe disappear.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug yells. Down falls a ball of yarn.

"M-lady you know I'm not a real cat right? I don't like to play with yarn." Chat says.

"I know."

"Cataclysm!" Chat makes a hole in the roof trying to trap the designer. Instead he falls through the hole and runs away.

"He's getting away!" I yell. *Bing! Bing!* "And I only have 3 minutes left!"

"Go power your kwami. We'll call you if we need help." Ladybug says.

"Ok." I laso home.

*Bing! Bing!* I land on my bed right as my transformation wears off. "So do you power by cheese too?"

"No, I like things with hunny." Paige answers.

"Ok." I grab a bottle of hunny from the pantry. I hand her a spoon full. "Will that be enough?"

"Yes." She licks the spoon clean.

I stick the spoon and hunny in my bag. I take off the pillows. "Paige, stripes on!" I transform.

My bow starts ringing. I answer it. "Y/ bumblebee, meet us at the Agrest mansion." Chat says.

"OK. I'll be right over." I say hanging up. I laso over to Adrein's house and see Ladybug and chat noir climbing in from a balcony. I follow.

"Who's room is this?" I ask ladybug.

"Adrein's." She says dreamily.

"You kinda sound like marinette." I say.

"It's not like I am her." She says nervously.

"Ok? Where'd chat go?" I ask looking around.

"I don't know, he just disappeared." Ladybug answers.

Adrein walks out of the bathroom. "Ladybug, what are you doing here? And who are you?" He asks.

"Bumblebee. I believe your father could have caused this akuma so maybe the designer will come back for revenge." I say.

"I didn't even know why we came here, it was Chat's idea." Ladybug says.

"Ok. Have you seen your father or the designer recently?" I ask adrein.

"No. I don't even know what the designer looks like." He answers.

I show him some pictures I took on my phone.

"The last time I saw either of them was this morning before he was akumatized." Adrein answers.

We hear a crash. "What was that?" Ladybug asks.

"It's probably chat, he is a cat." I say.

"So he's wandering the house knocking things over?" Ladybug asks.

Adrein chuckles. "Why would he be knocking stuff over?"

"Because he's a cat." I see a little black blur by his bed. "I saw movement." I walk over to his bed and see a fly.

"What was It?" Ladybug asks.

"A fly." We hear another crash."what is that cat doing?" I walk out of the room.

I see the designer putting dresses and other clothing items on things in the house.

"Now he'll see all of my beautiful designs. He shall see how wrong he was about my designs." He says.

"They are some good designs, but why are lamps and tables wearing your designs?" I ask like a total idiot.

"So you would like to wear my designs?"

"Maybe later. Hunny comb!" I touch him.

He falls down and gets stuck to the floor. "Antibug!" He yells.

She swings in through the window. "Anti charm!" She yells. Down falls a black and red spear.

"How is that fair? Ladybug gets pillows and other lame things while she gets weapons!?" I ask.

"That's what I was thinking last time we fought her." Chat says.

"Where were you? I followed you then you vanished." Ladybug says.

"I was stealing cheese from their kitchen." He answers.

"That's stealing." Ladybug says a little confused.

"Stop talking!" I yell dodging the butt of the spear.

Chat tries to grab the designer's hat, but the spear stabs into his shoulder.

*Bing! Bing!* 4 minutes left.

I shoot an arrow at antibug knocking her out. Ladybug grabs the hat and devilizes the it. I run to chat. "Are you ok?"

"Fine." He answers passing out from loss of blood.

"Wake up." I say panicked. Pink swirls around him making the spear disappear. I pick him up and laso home. I set him on my bed. 'crap, I'm supposed be at martinets!' I think. I go on her roof, go inside her room, and detransform.

"Hey. So how much of the fight did you get?" She asks.

"Not much. So my mom just called, and told me to come home."

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye." I run home. I get in my room and see Adrein lying on my bed bleeding. Plagg is on his chest with a wounded shoulder too.

Don't be a ghost reader
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Cat Fight (Chat Noir/ Adrein X Fem Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now