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"(First Name)!" Silver said to you as you enter the medium dorm room. "You will never guess who's coming to town?"

"Santa Clause?" You guess. Silver rolls her eyes.

"It's not even December!" Silver pointed to the blooming flowers outside the window.

"No, I know that Markiplier is coming to Ohio," you said. You had some slight memory, but you got in a bad accident while you were in Ohio, and you couldn't remember much about your life in California apart from your family. You truly only knew Markiplier from his videos, but that's not how he knew you.

How could Mark forget about his one true love, even if you were on the other side of the country? He had gotten the news about your accident from your brother.

"Hey," Silver noticed your mood change. "What're you thinking about?" You were thinking about any personal memories you might have had with the grown man you and your friend were talking about.

You shake your head. "Nothing, Silver. C'mon, let's go eat out." You grab your purse. "Even the gas will be on me."


"You know how we're on a holiday from school?" You carefully asked. Silver nodded. "Well, I kinda wanna go up north east and try out a restaurant there."

"Cleveland?" Silver guessed.

"No!" You told her the city.

"THAT'S LIKE, FIVE HOURS FROM HERE!" Silver yells at you.

"If we start now, then we'll be able to reach the city by eight!" You debate. Silver groans.

"FINEEE, LET'S GO, BUT WE ARE GETTING A MOTEL WHILE WE ARE THERE." Silver says loudly. You were used to Silver being so loud all the time.

"I already have two rooms booked at the Holiday Inn." You said.

"HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE?!" Silver's silver eyes were practically popping out of her head.

You waited a second, thinking. "About four hundred for this trip."

"ALON-" You covered Silver's mouth that time.

"Would you mind shutting up? I volunteered to do this." You said. Silver nodded. "Okay, I am going to take my hand off of your mouth now." Silver nodded, and you took your hand off her mouth.

"I'm just saying that I didn't think Goodwill paid that much." Silver said. You sheepishly smiled.

"Well, uh, that's the thing, Silver," you said. "I don't just work there. I'm a part-time worker at IHop."

"HOW THE-" You cut her off.

"Let's just go to the car, I already packed your bag."

~*In California*~

"See you, dudes," Mark said as he walked towards security. Matthias grabbed his arm.

"Hey, if you see (First Name)-" Mark bitterly cut Matthias off.

"I already know the drill," he said. "If I see (First Name), I don't greet her, say hello, or tell her anything. Her memory will come back over time. It's just, I really miss her, Matthias."

"We all do," Matthias said.

"Not like I do," Matthias furrowed his eyebrows. "You guys are her family. I... I was her boyfriend. She remembers you. You guys still have everyday of the rest of your lives with her. And before we even met, too! I only had about a month before the love of my life forgot all about me." Mark closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat at the thought of you.

Matthias put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll get better, Mark. She'll remember you in time."

Mark sighed. "I hope so."



This chapter was made for the SOLE PURPOSE OF JUMPING INTO THE PLOTLINE.

Oh yeah, and I'm not dead, I was on VACATION for two weeks through the fourth, and as a matter of fact, I got home bot even a week ago.

Hope you are all alive and well!


I Will See You Again [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ