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 You walk up the long corridors, your arms holding your paper work to your chest as you approached Levi's office. You were a squad leader and on the same level as Levi, but you were more than that, you were his friend. You had been with him since he had been forced to join. You were the one person who he could stand to talk to for lengthy periods of time and the one who made his tea the best. 

You didn't even bother knocking. Pushing the door open, you walk in and dump your rather large pile on the desk. Levi didn't even look up from his own paperwork as you closed the door.

"Behind again?" He muttered as he scribbled away.
"I don't even know how it builds up so quickly." You sigh, walking back to him, pulling a chair as you did. You always sat opposite him.
"Tea?" You offered. Levi couldn't help but let a small smile pull at his lips as he nodded. You would always offer him a quick cup of tea before starting your own work.

You disappeared out of his office, not knowing that he was watching you leave.
When you were out of ear shot, he dropped his pen and sighed lowly, running his fingers through his hair. He didn't know why you kept by his side. He would yell at you and call you every name under the sun and you wouldn't even flinch. Sometimes, you would laugh when he came up with a new insult. He didn't want you to be close because he knew what would happen.

As you bounced back into the room with two cups in your hand. Placing both them on the table, you pushed Levi his. You adored the way he would pick up the cup. Stupid little quirks like this made you love him more. Even with the insult, you knew he didn't mean them to hurt, it was just a defence.
He took a sip and nodded, signalling that you had, once again, made a good cup of tea. You smiled proudly and took a sip of your own before starting on your paperwork.

Hours Later

You were done, thank god.
You leaned back and threw your pen down, letting out a sigh of content as you admired the large stack of paperwork. Stretching up, you stretch your back while using one hand to cover your mouth as you yawned.

Levi had finished ages ago, but just sat back in his chair and watched you. He even made you both another cup of tea.

You smiled at Levi across the desk to which he raised an eyebrow at you. You shook your head and giggled slightly, making Levis heart backflip in his chest.

"oh, Levi. What are we going to do with you?" You laughed as you finished the liquid in your cup.
"You could leave me alone." He said in a flat and monotone voice.

"Dont you like it when im here?" You place the cup on the table, thinking he was joking.
"No, in fact. You're a nuisance and I don't know why you keep coming here." Levi's words caught you off guard as you stared at him for a moment. Was he being serious?

You were close to him and he had never, in the many years you had worked together, voice a complaint about you being in his office to do work. Nor had he ever called you a nuisance. Sure, he insulted you but in a playful way. This was different. He was talking to you like you were a cadet that hadn't cleaned properly. You didn't like it.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. If that's how you feel, then I wont come here again." You stand up, advoiding his eyes as you pick up your papers and head to the door. You wanted him to call you back and say that he was taking the piss and that he didn't mean it. Normally when you took a joke of his seriously, he would say something along the lines of "Don't be stupid, brat" but he didn't breath a word.

"I wont bother you again." You say before walking out of the room. You didn't turn to look at him because the tears were in your eyes and you didn't want to seem weak in front of him, especially after he had just said he didn't want you about.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now