Not you again

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Anna's pov

I made the boys watch twighlight because I thought it was funny

And these are the thing is found out

-they don't sparkle in the sun

-they are vegetarians (eat animals instead of humans)

"Oh and I have another question!' I exclaimed

They all got frustrated because the amount of questions I'm asking

"Do you have special powers like your own that no body else has got?"

"Actually yes we do!" Liam said

I got all excited

"OMG cool now tell."

"I can read minds

Zayn can tell the future and see your past

Louis has the ability to change people's emotions and feelings

Niall has the ability of eating human food with out becoming sick."

"That's cool!!" I exclaimed

And frowned when he did mention Harry

"Harry has the ability of blocking us from his thoughts ect."

He basically read my mind-"wait did you just read my mind?" I asked

He nodded

"Okay what am I thinking NOW??"

"your thinking of popcorn and chocolate how it should be a type of food they should see at the super market."

"OMG that's cool."

"Okay Zayn if you could trek the future why didn't you worn us?" I asked

"Because he can block people if thy are trying to Intrude his brain."

I nodded

Niall then asked me if I wanted anything to eat I just said no thanks.

I have been noticing that I have been losing weight and not eating, I would refuse to sleep at night and refuse to get out of bed in the Morning.

They boys have been looking for Harry in groups but sadly never finding him.

Every night I talk to the necklace it's like I'm talking to Harry but doesn't reply back.

I decided that it would be best to go to sleep.

I'm my dream sat in my usual spot on the couch as the boys gave me breakfast as usual and refused. Zayn came up to me excitedly saying we had a lead on Harry

I was out if my mind I was so happy and couldn't wait to meant him and hug him and feel my small little body fall into his arms.

When the boys left me to go and try find harry by myself in there house I laid down and watched tv.


Come out come out where ever you are." A familiar voice echoed through my House

The sound of the front door being knocked down I heard heavy foot steps come closer to the room i was in I had no idea what to do I griped Harry's necklace that it was my life and asking for the boys or Harry or anyone to come save me but I knew that wasn't the case I knew that who ever this person was wanted to get me when I was alone.

'Harry please come please I beg you come bac-' I got snatched away from my thoughts

Well well well my niece how are you. wait I don't care." he took long steps to me and pulled me out of my room by my hair I gripped anything that was possible in my reach.

"Stop struggling because your coming with me if you like it or not."

I felt my hot tears roll down my checks as I screamed in agony and help.

He dragged me out to the front door an that's when he took a blow to my head and then blacked out from the impact.

This time I didn't fall into anyones arms I fell to the only thing that would never leave my side the floor.

Harry's. pov

I could her Anna's voice in my head asking for help and her missing me

She said 'Harry please come please I beg you come bac-'

She got cut off is she in trouble? probably not I got out of my house to clear my head. currently I'm staying in my old house from when I was a child when I lived with my parents but died of other vampires.

When I reached the lake I saw all the boys standing there with




Faces they all had red eyes but I noticed there were 4 of them no Anna why isn't he there?

Zayns pov

When we came back home to tell Anna we found Harry's house we all separated and looked in all different parts of the house to see all things knocked over we walked to her room to see a letter on her desk in red ink saying

'Good luck finding her you have 24 hours before she goes to hell to met you guys there.'

All of us gasped and decided to go back to Harry's house to tell him that he needs to help us and stop acting like a _____ <insert word> (haha lol)

None of us said a word and kept silent when we went through the front door there was blood on the floor from Anna it looks like she put up a fight, everything was a mess.

When we reached Harry's house in a matter of seconds we saw him standing on the other side of the lake he could tell of out faces that it wasn't good.

Harry put his head down and walked up to us still with his head down in shame

"Where's Anna?" Harry asked

I scoffed


"I-I" I cut Harry off

"SHE DOSENT EAT SHE REFUSES TO SLEEP OR REST SHE'S getting week Harry I wont be surprised If she has been self harming." I soften at the last part

He looked up in our eyes

"OMG I'm sorry okay I'm so sorry I ran away because it felt like the more time I was around her the more tone she would get hurt and I was falling to hard because she a human!" "where is she?'

He asked

Everyone stayed silent

"Her uncle got her and said she only has 24 hours to live Eg come find her."

Liam announced

I saw tears steam from Harry's eyes

"This is all my fault if I didn't run away there would be nobody left home and she would be doing all these things." He cried

"He waited until every one was way from her at the time."

I said.

Then Harry said "I could have saved her, I heated her voice of my necklace I gave her." he looked full of regret

"Well that's good because you can talk to her and she can talk back." Liam said

"Yeah I guess" he said

We stated walking to Harry's house to discuss the plan to get my Annabear back.


Hey guys hoped you liked it please give me feed back and yolo

Just remember if you need anyone to talk to you can always talk to me

And I'm against self harming I would help if anyone's going thought it.

Ilys xx

How i see you - harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now