Chapter ~ 16

Beginne am Anfang

Finally.. His car arrive

And two men in suits earlier come out of car first and open the car door for him

He then finally get out of car and our eyes meet at last


"C..Chanyeol ..Shi"

"Mister Byun .. Please go inside the house " one of the two men say to baekhyun

"Wait... I want to talk with u kid" I say

"Hey..back off.. Please go inside quickly mister Byun "

"Aww.. I am sorry " baekhyun apologise me as he go inside the house

I mean... He don't need to apologise me though... Seeing him again after a month ... I don't want to hear his sorry

Why...why don't he have this little time to talk with me?

What are those men beside him?

Am I going to get chance to talk with him like this?

My phone ring ..:unknown number?

"Hello?" I answer

"Chanyeol Shi?" What?? Baekhyun?

"Kid? What phone are u talking with?"

"I am sorry.. This is my new phone number.. My old number.. My Father told me to changed ... "

"Ok ok.. And why are u whispering kid? Are u ok?"

"I am fine.. I am sorry... I couldn't talk to u.. "

I hear voice from his sides like

"Mister Byun? I hear u talking? Can i know who are u talking? Can u open the door for us?" Someone is talking to him

"I.. I am phoning with my fiancé " he say to those guys

C- kid? Hello?

B- I.. I am sorry ..
C- hey! Why are u keep saying sorry? It's not like.. U make mistake
B- I am just afraid u would get mad
C- I am not mad,kid and why your Father changed your phone number ?
B- we got problem at our company ..just because of my mistake .. That's why.. I am kind of grounded and my Father hired two bodyguards for me to watch me to meet schedules
C- sound tough huh?
B- Hee Hee.. Btw...u and nana Shi... U two going out well?
C- kind of ..
B- that so... Chanyeol Shi...
C- hmm?
B-  ........wanna see u...... I mean.. I want to see and talk properly with u
C- I have been missing u

For a few second... He has gone quite

B- me too..  I miss u

C- kid.. Tomorrow... What plans do u have?
B-just... Office and I will be back home then.. Aww.. I think I have meeting at _ _ _ hotel  after work.. About 8 pm
C- aww really? I..I will come to the hotel to meet u.. I will be there... So... See you
B- aww...see you

I then hung up the phone

If I can then I want to run to him right now ...

(Chanbaek) This is Love? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt