Horse Lovers Paradise (2)

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*Authors Note, Hi Guys!! I'm really proud that this book has got 40+ reads, because to be honest, I completely forgot about it... I thought I deleted it... Anyways I'm really glad I didn't! :D

Just some stuff to know before you read this chapter is that I have changed Alex to Ella (same person different name) I still have the first chapter in Alex because I'm too lazy to change it. *

Chapter 2

I groaned as I folded another shirt, so far I had packed 1 full suitcase and still had heaps to do. I pulled out my phone at rapid speed and quickly glanced at the time, 10:00am. I shock my head annoyed, I was leaving at this time tomorrow morning to fly back over to Welsh Mountains. 'Ok, if I can't finish packing by 12:00 I'll walk down to the stables and I'll spend the rest of the day there' I thought to myself. I agreed with the decision and continued packing, at a quicker pace this time. I managed to pack all my things by 11:30.
"Good Effort" I praised myself. I slowly walked from my room and I got he kitchen where mum was happily chopping away at some carrot. I quickly took a carrot from her pile and an apple from the fruit bowl and shoved them into the small bag I casually swung over my shoulder.
"Hey mum, can I head round to the stables?" I asked
"Have you finished all your packing?" Mum questioned,
"Yes." I answered annoyed.
"Have you cleaned your room?"
"Yes" mum continued with the questions until I was sure she couldn't think of anything else to ask. "Ok, you may godown to the stables, try and be home by 6:00 but if your running late text me, ok?"
"Sure mum. Bye" I called before turning and walking out the house before she changed her mind. I was quietly on the road knowing the stables was a good 5 minute walk. I pulled out my phone and pressed shuffle on my music. I walked along in beat of the music while my mind was thinking about Welsh Mountains. I had been given heaps of information over the holidays about my class schedule, I was in the advanced English, Maths and Science class. I also got a lot of information about my roommate, her name was Sarah and was also an equestrian. I had gotten her email and we exchanged some emails over the holidays and she seemed nice enough. The one thing that stuck to my mind was an individual letter from Tracy asking to meet me at her office tomorrow night after dinner. I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to talk to me about, I was almost certain it was something to do with horses since I was the horse scholarship girl and Tracy was the head of equestrian. I shrugged off the thought before walking into the stable I knew so well.

"Hey Mandy" I called as I walked into Mandy's office. Mandy owned the stable and she was also my riding instructor, she was the person who convinced me to apply for the scholarship and I couldn't thank her enough for all her help she had given me and my riding career.
"Hey Ella. What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving tomorrow? Shouldn't you be packing?" Mandy asked while standing and walking towards me.
"Yer, I am leaving tomorrow and I have already packed, oh and if I stayed at home I would have gone metal, so I'm here to see if there is anything that needs done" I explained while smiling sweetly.
"Oh, that's kind of you Ella. Can you please work Shiver and Penny? Also I have a new student who is 11 starting today and I am taking the adult lesson at the same time, I was wondering if you could give her the lesson?" Mandy asked.
"Sure, no problem. What time is her lesson cause I have to be home by 6?" I asked
"4:30 to 5:30" Mandy explained. I nodded my head and told her I would handle that before saying goodbye and walking into the barn. I saw Nelly, one of my friends from school in the indoor trying to get her horse to do a shoulder in, although the horse had hollowed out his back and she couldn't sit to his stride.
"Nelly" I called trying to get her attention. She glanced at me slightly to show she heard me "Try loosen the grip you have on your hands, that's why he's hollowing out his back. He's nervous because he thinks you are scared with your tight grip." She did as I said and after a couple of strides he relaxed and started working with his hindquarters.
"Thanks Ella" Nelly called before continuing to focus on her ride. I made my way down to Shiver's stable. Shiver was a 14.3 hand bay gelding who would do everything in his power to get out of work. I had ridden Shiver a lot in my group lesson's because I was one of the few people who could ride him properly. I clipped his lead onto his halter and lead into into a pair of cross ties. I left him and quickly went and got his grooming kit. I gave him a quick brush with the body brush because he wasn't very dirty before leaving and returning with all his tack, I carefully placed his saddle blanket then his all purpose saddle onto his back. I did the girth slowly making sure it didn't pinch him and once I was sure it was tight enough I carefully placed his bridle on. One thing I loved about Shiver was once he realised he wasn't getting away with anything he was a really well trained horse with a soft snaffle mouth, great paces and a neat jump. I put my helmet and gloves on before leading Shiver into the indoor where Nelly had just dismounted.

I carefully put my left boot into the stirrup and swung gently into the saddle. I walked and trotted Shiver on a long rein on the outsides of the wall allowing him to warm up,
"How do you do it?" I heard a voice call, I halted Shiver and glanced towards the door and saw Nelly walking towards me.
"Do what?" I asked, completely confused.
"Be you. You can see things in horses no one else can, even someone who has been with the horse for a long period of time. You can ride a troubled horse and make them look push button, you look like a model who has just stepped off the runway every time I see you and you are always so sweet and kind to everyone. Shall I go on?" She asked while stroking Shivers shoulder. I chuckled at Nelly before saying
"Thanks, I seriously don't know what to say"
"You don't need to say anything, just ride. But I think you are going to do amazing at Welsh Mountains, you have a gift for horses" with that she turned and walked out of the arena. I watched her leave before shaking my head and focusing on the horse underneath me.

"Ok, Penny. It's your turn" I said before swinging into the saddle. I wriggled around and made myself comfortable before asking her to walk off. Penny was an amazing horse, she just need to be ridden properly. She wouldn't try and get out of work like Shiver, she would get nervous and freak out if you started riding her messily. I corrected my position before asking her to trot freely on a long rein, she responded immediately and moved into a springy trot. I posted in time to her rhythm, I did some small circles and and serpentines on each rein until I was sure she was warmed up. I then collected her up and did some leg yields and shoulder ins. She was performing nicely so I sat quietly and asked her to canter, she responded and when she canter it felt like she didn't move. I sat quietly before riding her down the diagonal, once I hit the middle, I cued her for a flying change. She responded immediately and changed leaded quietly in the air, I leaned down and stroked her neck before sitting tall again and doing this excise on the other rein. She started foaming at the mouth and sweating so I decided to call it a day and cool her off. I gave her some rein and sat quietly as she walked around the entire length of the arena before dismounting. I patted and praised Penny before putting my stirrups up and undoing the girth, I then lead her back to her cross ties. I untacked her and placed her tack in the designated place before approaching her again, this time I lead her out of the barn and over to the outdoor wash bay. I tied her up and hosed her down before scraping her off and drying her and returning her to her stable. I pulled my phone out and saw I only had half an hour until I was suppose to give the lesson, I rushed down to Mandy's office to find her, once I was inside I saw her behind her desk scribbling something on some paper.
"Hey, which horse is the girl I'm giving the lesson to riding?" I asked,
"Hmm, well her mum told me she has ridden before so I was thinking maybe Strawberry? Or Peter? Or maybe Feather? Who do you think?"
"Cross Peter off the list because I just saw Tessa outside his stable tacking him up, the girl is 11 so her heigh would suit Feather, more than Strawberry" I told her. Mandy nodded her head in agreement until we decided Feather.
"Ok, they will be here in 20 minutes, can you tack up Feather and leave him in his stable?" Mandy asked, I nodded my head willingly. I loved spending time with Feather, he was the first horse I had ever ridden at Mandy's and I have loved him ever since. I turned out the stable and walked down the alley until I reached Feather' stall. Feather was a small chestnut welsh pony, he was about 13 hands and had the sweetest temperament of all the horses here.

Once I had taken my time and finished grooming and tacking up Feather I was called by Mandy from the front of the yard. I threw my body brush back into the grooming kit before giving Feather a small kiss on the nose and jogging out to Mandy. Once I had reached her I saw her talking to an adult with her daughter close by her side.
"This is Ella, she will be your instructor today" Mandy said.
"Hi, I'm Ella. It's nice to meet you" I said addressing the adult and daughter.
"Isn't she a little young?" The woman asked turning to face Mandy.
"Ella is 13 nearly 14 but she is one of my most talented riders here. She has even been given a riding scholarship to boarding school" Mandy explained, the woman looked at me in approval before saying.
"Ok. I'm Wendy and this is Olivia" the woman said indicating the little girl.
"Ok, if you follow me I'll show you to Feather, the horse you will be using for your lesson" I explained. I then turned and walked to the barn with Wendy and Oliva behind me.

"This is Feather, he was the first horse I had ever ridden here" I explained while opening the stable door and grabbing Feathers reins.
"Aww, he is so cute! How big is he?" Olivia asked while gently stroking his check.
"He is about 13.1 hands, maybe bigger. How much riding have you done before?" I asked while gathering his reins.
"We have just moved here from the other side of the country, I rode at a different stable when I was there. I learnt how to walk, trot, canter and do some small jumps" Olivia explained.
"That's good, Feather is an extremely nice horse, you should have some fun" I explained while leading him towards the indoor arena, I glanced inside and saw it empty. I lead Feather over to the mounting box and halted him beside it.
"I don't need a mounting block, I'm not that short" Olivia teased.
"I know" I laughed, "I always mount with a mounting block because it puts less strain on there back when you mount" I explained. Olivia nodded in understanding before stepping onto the mounting block and turning to face me and asking if she could mount, after I told her it was fine she gently mounted and landed carefully in the saddle. You could see by just looking at her she had ridden before. She sat quietly in the saddle, a balanced position and soft hands.
"Good, now why don't you ask Feather to walk around the arena at a walk on a long rein to warm him up?" I told her, she nodded and sent him forward into a calm walk. She looked up and her position remained good, "put your leg forward, try remember to keep it just behind the girth" I told her. She attempted to adjust her position although her legs couldn't stretch down properly. "Halt" I called out, after a couple of strides Olivia had bought Feather to a square halt and was looking at me curiously.
"Did I do something wrong?" She asked nervously, I chuckled before smiling and saying
"Of course not, your actually doing extremely well. You have a nice balanced seat and soft hands, I was just going to adjust your stirrup lengths because your legs don't seem to be in the correct position." I explained. I then put the stirrup down two holes until her legs were seated in the correct position.

From then on Olivia's lesson went brilliant, everything I told her she took into consideration and adjust what I told her to, she also asked questions when she didn't understand something. She had a great position on the flat and over a small course of jumps, with the correct training she would easily be a top rider one day. She had a lot of promise for an 11 year old and was very clean and tidy with her aids.
"Well done Olivia. You did brilliant" I praised as I walked with her to her car.
"Thanks Ella, Feather is a nice horse, so I didn't have to work as hard" she told me honestly.
"Ok, I'll tell Mandy that and she will pair you with a more challenging horse" I told her
"Am I going to get any more lessons with you?" She asked,
"No, sorry Olivia. Today is my last day, tomorrow morning I leave to go to boarding school" I told her smiling hard. I was so excited about going back to Welsh Mountains.
"Damn. That's a shame, you were a really great instructor" Olivia said opening her car door and taking a seat, she then rolled down her window while Mandy and Wendy were talking on the other side of the car.
"You don't need me, you are a very talented rider. You will go far" I promised. Olivia smiled hard at my compliment
"Thanks, I'm really nervous about starting actual group riding lessons here." Olivia told me.
"Don't be, you will do amazing. Mandy is a great instructor and your a great pupil, trust me, you'll do great" I told her sincerely. She smiled but I could see she was nervous. "Do you have a phone?" I asked, not expecting her to have one at the age of 11.
"Yer, I have to catch the bus home now so mum felt safer if I had a mobile. Why?" Olivia asked, holding out her phone. I took her phone and quickly typed in my number before handing it back.
"I just put my number into your phone, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here. Or if you need any advise on any of the horses, or anything like that. Just send me a text" I told her, she glanced down at her phone then back up at me and smiled like a lunatic. I chuckled before her mum also slid into the car,
"Bye Ella, thank you for a great lesson" Olivia said as the car started,
"Bye Olivia, thank you for being a great student" I told her, her mum said her thanks before she pulled the car out of the driveway and onto the road.

I looked back down the alley side, a slight tear in my eye. I swallowed the lump at the back of my throat and walked down to Mandy's office, it was finally time for me to say goodbye. As soon as Olivia had left I spent the rest of the time saying goodbye to my equine and human friends at the barn, now it was time to say goodbye to Mandy. The closer I got to her office the more I felt sick, I gently knocked on the door and I heard her calm voice saying it was open. I gently pushed the door and stepped into her office, Mandy must have realised it was time to say goodbye because she immediately got out of her chair and walked towards me and wrapped me in a hug.
"Thank you" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
"For what?" She asked, her voice slightly louder than mine.
"You are the reason I am going to Welsh Mountains, this is the biggest thing that has ever happened to me. You are the reason I am the rider I am, I owe everything I am as a rider to you. You were the person who bought me through the grades, and now look at me" I explained, allowing a single tear to fall.
"Ella, even without me you would have found horses somehow. You would still be the rider you are today, I haven't made you who you are, you have. Ella you have a gift with horses, make sure you show everyone how amazing you are once you get to Welsh Mountains." Mandy said, looking me dead in the eyes. I hiccuped slightly before saying
"No, you were the person who saw talent in me at a young age and trained me up. You were the person who pushed me to try and apply for the scholarship, you are the person who has turned me into a rider"
"I wish I could take the credit for making you a rider, but I can't, you were the person who stuck with riding through all the hard trainings, you were the person who took the risk and went for the scholarship, not knowing what was going to happen and you are the reason you are the rider you are. No one can change you, only you can turn into something you want to, you turned into a horse rider." Mandy told me,
"Thanks Mandy. Your brilliant, make sure the next people who get to look after Penny and Shiver give them heaps of TLC like they deserve"
"I promise" Mandy said, I nodded my head and pulled away from her light grip. "Goodbye Ella"
"Goodbye Mandy"

That night was quiet at my house, I busy going over everything that needed to be done for Welsh Mountains and finding some unexpected things in draws that were suppose to be going but I forgot to pack.
"Ella, dinner" I heard my mums voice call from down stairs. I glanced down the hall and realised this was the last time I was going to be eating dinner with my family, for a long time.
"Coming" I called back. I turned away from my empty room and walked quietly into the dining room where dinner was set neatly on the table, tonight we had agreed on have chicken pie with chunky oven chips. I took a seat next to my mum and waited until my brother came to the table, then we begun the meal. The food was delicious although he atmosphere was a defining silence, "what's going on?" I asked, after witnessing my parents exchange numerous glances.
"Nothing, we are just going to miss you. That's all" mum said. I nodded my head in understanding.
"Ok, so tomorrow we will be waking up at 7:00 and leaving to go to the airport at 8:00 since your flight is at 10:00" dad explained. I nodded my head and grinned hard, I was so excited about going back to Welsh Mountains.

"Thanks mum, dinner was great" I smiled at her as I started washing up, she laughed but took over the job.
"You should get some sleep, there will be a time difference and you will be tiered" I nodded my head in understanding, I carefully made my way upstairs. I showered in my on sweet and changed into casual PJs. I brushed my damp hair and brushed my teeth, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I was medium height, with golden blond hair that reached below my armpit. I had sparkling blue eyes and slightly pale skin. I was slim because I had a high metabolism but I was always doing something active like riding horses. I let out a sigh and made my way to my bed, I laid silently on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I wish I could say I did something amazing and stayed up all night because the excitement of leaving, but I was so exhausted I allowed myself to slip into darkness and a dreamless sleep.

"Ella...Ella...Ella" I heard my name being called. I opened my eyes and saw my parents looking over me.
"What?" I asked, my voice tiered.
"You need to get up! We are leaving to go to the airport in 30 minutes" dad chuckled. I immediately sat up and looked at my alarm clock beside me, the time read 7:30. "We overslept so we need to be fast" dad continued, I nodded my head in understanding before shooting out of bed and racing down stairs. Once I sat down I realised I was only wearing mini shorts and a tank top and the weather was freezing so I raced back upstairs and grabbed a jumper. I shivered in the cold weather before looking at the fridge. I glared at the fridge for 30 seconds before mum came back into the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" She asked, curiosity all over her face.
"I don't want to get up so..." I trailed off still glaring at the fridge. Mum laughed before picking up an apple and tossing it to me. "Thank you" I smiled happily as I it into the sweet piece of fruit. I was in such a good mood right now, I was so excited and energised I don't know how I'm going to last having to sit down in a place for 3 and a half hours.

I spent 10 minutes eating my apple before I raced back upstairs and into my room. I sighed in relief before stepping into my on sweet. I took my PJs off and jumped into the shower I washed my body and hair with matching tropical scented body wash, shampoo and conditioner. Once I had rinsed my hair from of conditioner I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed the purple towel that was beside me and dried my body, I grabbed another towel and wrapped my hair up. I stepped back into my room and glanced at the outfit laying on my desk.

"Done" I said as I glanced down at my mirror. I was wearing a white loose shirt that fell off one shoulder and a purple floral skirt that went to mid thigh, the outfit looked good on me and I nodded my head in approval as I tucked my shirt in, I grabbed my black ankle length boots and pulled them on my feet. I smiled as I glanced at my face. I put a braid in by golden blond hair than went from behind my ear to my were my hair was captured, in a high pony tail at the top of my head. I had put some mascara on my eyelashes to make them look longer and darker. I was also wearing some light lip gloss that made my lips sparkle. I walked slowly down stairs realising this is the last time I will be in this house. I gulped at the thought, I shook my head and continued walking down to the kitchen. I saw all my bags by the door waiting for me, I realised a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I shock myself out of my thoughts and walked into the living room where mum and dad were waiting.
"Ready?" Mum asked, glancing at my outfit. "Cute skirt" mum complimented.
"Thanks and yep" I smiled as I followed them to the car. I sat silently in the back seat as dad out my suitcases in the boot and mum started the car. I grinned hard as I waited for the car to arrive at the airport that would take me to my dream.

I glanced out the airport window and watched the planes taking off, this is it, my mind kept telling me. The drive to the airport was very quiet, I guess we were all just using the time to think. It didn't take long to go through customs and into the departure area.
"Flight number QFKI52F is ready to board. Departing from Adelaide and arriving in Brisbane at gate number 3" a voice called.
"I guess that's my Que." I told mum and dad, they nodded there heads and followed me towards the leaving area. "I'm going to miss you guys" I said, I was trying to keep a normal voice.
"We will miss you to, but I know you will do amazing at Welsh Mountains" mum said hugging me. I hugged her back as a single tear fell down my check.
"We are really proud of you" dad said hugging me tightly.
"I know" I said hugging them both. We continued exchanging goodbyes until my flight was called again,
"Goodbye honey" mum said smiling,
"Bye mum. Bye dad" I said to them before turning and facing the plane I started walking onto the plane before turning around, and waving at my teary parents and continuing my walk until I reached the plane.

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