
"come in!" I groaned. In walked all the lads with worried expressions. Louis sat on my left, Niall on my right, Liam and Zayn sat at the bottom. "Harry you need to tell us everything that happened 3 weeks ago. You and Emma havent said one word to eachother!" Lou shrieked. Should I risk my life telling them the secret?

"Lou if I tell you guys, dont hate me okay?" The boys agreed then I told them the story.


"I will fucking kill Harold Edward Styles!!"

With that Louis jumped on top of me and beat the living crap out of my face.

Louis' POV

What the bloody hell was running through his thick skull?! No wonder why I cant see my own god damn sister. Harold Styles will no longer have my respect.

Emma's POV

Tears were pouring out my eyes as I held onto Josh. This whole time Josh has been trying to calm me down, but nothing works.

"Emma please stop crying. Just go tell him and maybe you two can figure something out." Josh said with hope.

"How can I do that Josh?! He took advantage of me at my weakest point. For god sakes he got me pregnant!!" The waterfall of tears pouring back out. Josh layed me on the bed then stood up.

"Listen to me Emma Tomlinson. You are a beautiful smart girl. I am sure you will make the right choice." He sighed heading out the room.

I sniffled then grabbed my phone. Maybe if I tell him then everything will be fine right? He is the father so that does mean he deserves to know.

To: Harry

We need to talk like ASAP


I dont think that will be possible


WTFN (Why.The.Fuck.Not)


Lou and I got into a huge fight. I told the lads about the you know 'secret'


Well then I am coming over

After composing myself I went into the bathroom. Foundation, Bronzer, eyeshadow and other things were put on. Then I grabbed some fresh underwear to wear. I stood infront of the mirror and gasp. There was a small bump forming on my Anorexic stomach. When the hell was the last time I ate? Like 1 week ago with the girls maybe. I placed my hand on my bump then got dressed. I wore a Strappy Cami Maxi dress with some black flats. My bag flung over my shoulder and I was out.

~Tomlinson Resident~

I took a deep breath then walked into the kitchen. Everyone was having a very awkward dinner. "Emma!" The girls yelled. Thats when everyone turned around to look at me. Jay stood up then ran over to hug me. "Gosh hun I am so happy to see you! Lou told me everything that happened. Are you okay?" she rushed in one breath. "Yeah mom I'm fine. Harry may I speak with you in private?"Leaning onto the stair banister. Everyone looked at Harry then back at me. Harry stood up and walked over to where I was. "Lets go to my room." He grabbed my small hand an led me to his room.

Harry sat down on his bed crossing his hands behind his head. I decided to sit at the end of the bed to give him his space. "So Emma how are you?" he really seemed interested in how I was doing. "Well Harry that is what I wanted to talk to you about." Scooting over closer to him. "What's the matter love?" Harry asked. I sniffled a little so I could clear my nose. "Harry did you use protection?" Confidently asking.

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