The Games

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At four, the next morning, a bell rang.

Everybody scurried to the training grounds, like caged animals being set free, wanting to get the morning go faster.

It was the fifteenth. Everyone knew what that meant.

The girl in the cell stood from her bed and opened her door. Wanting to know her surroundings that day instead of shutting everything and everyone out.

Nobody was at sight all of them probably training, or perhaps already eating.

She walked towards the faint noise of a high school cafeteria room.

She creaked the door and the faint noise became a racket. She closed the door, wondering silently what the excitement was about.

She walked back to her room and right before she closed the door behind her, a bell rang. She jumped, it wasn't time for lunch to end yet.

She went to sit on her bed when the door to her cell was swung open, she turned hastily dropping her iPod accidentally on top of her bed. Three men came in and stalked towards her. The girl covered the square metal object with her pillow

The men grabbed her arms and dragged her out. She tried to pry them out but their grip only tightened.

The men brought her into dripping wet metal cells where corpses lied around like dirty clothes pilled in an abandoned room.

Her eyes widened, horror erupted through her lungs.

She fought against the three pair of strong arms. A gate door was opened, releasing pale moonlight.

The blonde girl was thrown into the consuming light, screams of terror stil erupting.

She opened her eyes to find a new source of noise. they were cheers. Cheers of people screaming for murder. For blood to be shed. What was this?

She looked around herself. She was in some kind of arena. Metal staircases on one end that lead up to railings, holding an audience. What was this? A concert?

A second gate door was opened to reveal a tall, very muscular and even scarily scarred man. His teeth were of a wolf, or a vampire. Like fangs.

He grinned at her, half of his face gray, almost blue. She shuddered. "Lets get this over with."

The man grinned and pulled her to his eye-level by the hair.

。。。In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

-Robert Frost 。。。

Hope you liked it. :) Don't worry, be hippie. :P Alijoice.

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