Chapter 2 : Why So Mysterious?

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Chapter 2 : Why So Mysterious?

I rubbed my eyes as the sun shone through the window. I looked towards the criminal who had shooted away my lovely dream. I couldn't see his face, just his behind.

I could tell that he had chocolate brown curly hair, wore a blazer, over perfectly sculpted muscles, black skinny jeans(too tight!) and seude dress shoes.

He seemed to be looking for something as she dismantled his bedsheet and pillow from the bed.

"What is your problem?" My groggy voice said as she she tried to hide under the covers.

The covers were immediately pulled off and before I could catch the sight of the face, it returned to looking the other side. "Get your ass up or you're going to be late for class." His deep, husky voice said. It held strictness and calmness at the same time.

"But I don't wanna go." I protested, knowing he would turn around and convince me to go to class.

"Suite yourself." He replied, his back still turned to me and he walked towards the door and left.

I hadn't seen this guy last night and how could I? I had only met one roomie of mine which was Louis who, along with the other two and vacated the dorm of their presence. There was still the mystery about the guy who had tried to wake me up. I still didn't believe that was my cousin.

The day before, I had went on touring the college with Louis, he was pretty loud and cheerful but he knew the moments of ecstasy pretty well as vice versa.

He told me more about my other two roomies, one being Harry and the other was a girl named Perrie. They both hadn't tagged along through the night, apparently both had important stuff to do.

I had quietly roamed with Louis, thinking he might be the person I was looking for as a partner in crime but I guess I was wrong.

He was too nice to be my partner.

I pulled my duvet which was on the floor, and covered myself back to my world of dreams.


"Avaaa!" The high-pitched voice shouted in my ear.

"What? What happened?" I sat up and looked around the room for any signs of danger.

But there were none, the whole room was silent and Louis sat on the bed next to mine.

"You've missed two classes today. And its supposed to be your first day." He raised his arms in explanation.

"Do I care?" I pulled up the soft cover once again which were pulled off AGAIN!

"Not cool dude! This not a way to behave!" I picked up the hair tie on the bedside and tied my brown hair.

"Well, your third class is about to start, so you better get dressing now." Louis pointed to the bathroom.

"Ughh! British people are so boring!" I made sure he heard it before I got into the bathroom and I heard his chuckle.

I washed my face a couple of times so that I started to sense reality. I pulled on my dark purple dress which reached about mid-thigh, it wasn't fancy but it did have a cute little bow just above the waist. The dress had only one sleeve which extended to my wrist, leaving left shoulder and arm bare.

I pulled on my black, leather big boots which had a little heel. I applied the amount of Kohl I always did and some foundation, although I never needed any due to its snow white appearance.

I got out and Louis was lying down on his bed, reading a book. He looked up when I pulled my books I had for third and fourth period..

I checked my schedule of Thursday.

English - Mrs. Lively.

Physics - Mr. Miller

History - Mr. Grey


French - Mrs. Shay

Mathematics - Mr. Hyde.

Free Period.

-On the back are the books you are supposed to take.

It was bad, but at least I got a free period. Since I had missed two hours, I picked at the dull books required and waited for Louis to come.

"Are you not wearing anything else?" he asked as he pulled over a blazer, quite the same the guy in the morning had, just that was a little darker.

I shook my head in response and went out the door.

Louis didn't say anything as we walked down along the buildings and then the corridors, to my first class in that massive school.

"I'll come on the end of class. I'll introduce you to the rest of our roomies and some of our friends."

I walked into the class with my books where numerous students stared at me once again. The teacher, Mr. Grey, was hushing the class to begin. He was quite a young-looking teacher with his brown-blonde hair.

"Class... look here, we have a new student." Now all of them turned to me. "I'm sure we'll be very welcoming to Ava Dallas." He presnted me to the class. "Ava?" He turned to me politely. "Since this is your first class today, you can go sit down with Amanda." He pointed to a blonde haired girl with blue eyes.

Amanda smiled at me as I sat down beside her nervously.

"Hey." She murmured coolly.


I was surprised at the end of the class, that I hadn't been called to the office for skipping classes. And then also that no one stared at me anymore. But no matter the boring works of historians got us loads of homework.

Just like he promised, Louis turned up at my door and walked me to the lunch room.

There were four table lined vertically in the huge room. There was table also laid horizontally on the very front. I guessed the teachers sat there. It was totally like the one in Harry Potter, just not all the vintage looks.

I walked behind Louis as he took me to the second table and we had to sit on a bench. There was no cut out or spaces between the benches so it was difficult to tell the group.

I sat down next to a white blonde haired girl, she had greyish blue eyes. She smiled at me as she picked at her lunch. She had a complexion, very like my own and she did apply kohl, just in a very neat way. She was wearing a white blouse and pink skinny jeans. She was really pretty.

"Ava, right?" She questioned, Louis was having trouble settling.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p' and looked at the dishes of food laid infront of me.

"I'm Perrie Edwards." She started. I looked at her in amazement, she really did suit up to her name.

Louis finally settled. "So Ava, this is our group... its your choice to join though." He looked at me and I nodded. "This is Zayn." he pointed at a raven haired boy who had indian hazel eyes. He smiled politely.

"This is Liam." He pointed at a boy with a buzz cut and chocolate brown eyes. He wore a black button up which looked really hot on him since his sleeves were folded to the elbows.

"This is my pretty girlfriend, Eleanor." He looked at the girl who was sitting beside him. She had medium brown hair which had waves. I couldn't quite tell the color of her eyes. She was very beautiful too.

"This Irish fella is Niall." He pointed at the boy sitting across from me, who smiled back, showing his braces. He had piercing blue marbles for eyes. He could easily qualify as innocent even though he might have committed a murder.

"And that is Harry..." He pointed at the boy, sitting beside Niall. He hadn't looked up from his food until then.

He obviously had curly hair through which I knew he got a lot of fingers through but still looked... He, just like I remember had emerald orbs tinted with a little black and grey.

He had a fair complexion but a few tones darker than mine. His plump lips were silent and he nodded at me before looking down again.

Well, that was rude.

Eternal.(Harry Styles AU/Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora