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She walked the streets of magnolia.

She had her small... grey ... Kitten as company.

She caught the eyes of the entire civilization.

They where enticed by her.

Allured by her.

The mysterious Ice Mage made her way through Magnolia.

Aiki, perched on her shoulder.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it Aiki?" The Captain received a small, short 'mew', in return.

The Captain smiled and continued walking.

She spotted a certain fire Mage near by. He noticed her as well.

He then came over.

"Hiya, Cap'in'!" He said.

Many were shocked at the way he addressed The Captain, and were surprised by her response.

"Hello, Natsu! How are you today?"

"I'm great! You?"

"Perfect. How are you, Happy?" She asked.


"That's good! I'm heading to the guild, so I will have to cut this short for now. I shall see you later, Natsu and Happy!" The Captain said.

"Alright! Later, Cap'in'!"

She smiled and continued to walk again.

'I have never smiled this much before.' She thought, reaching the guild hall. 'This place... It's like magic itself!'

She walked through the doors and went upstairs to look for an S-Class job.

"Hmm.... Which one, Aiki?" The Captain asked her companion.

Aiki got up and stretched. He then went to the top of the girl's head and touched a flyer with his nose.

'destroy a demon terrorizing the small city of Shindi; 5,000,000 jewel.'

"Not to shabby, Aiki!" She pet the small animals paw. "This is perfect!"

She walked downstairs and got her quest approved.

"Shall we take company, Aiki?"

The kitten purred in response.

"I will take that as a yes."

She walked over to a certain, naked, boy.

"Hello." She said.

"Hi." He responded.

"I suggest you find your clothes before Natsu comes back to pick a fight." She gestured at his naked body.

"R-Right!" He scrounged for his clothes. When he was dressed again he came back. "Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Hai. Aiki and I were wondering if you, and any others of your choosing, would like to go on an S-Class quest with us." The Grey ice Mage replied.

"That cat can talk?"

"No. But he is very smart."

"Prove it!" Gray snickered.

"Alright." The Captain replied. "Aiki! Where is Mira San?"

The cat got up from his spot, and walked across the counted and jumped on Mira's head.

Mira 'Oh!'ed in surprise, but then giggled, understanding what was happening.

Aiki looked at the two Ice mages, and tilted his head.

"Very good, Aiki! Now, where is Macau San?"

Macau heard this, and understood as well.

The small kitten walked over to the table where Macau was situated, and jumped onto his head.

"Very good! Now, go find... Erza San!"

The kitten trotted over too Erza, who also understood, and jumped onto her head.

"Nice work! You can come back and take a nap now!" The Captain congratulated the animal. She turned to Gray. "Was that enough proof?"


"Aiki chose the request aswell. We, if you decide to accompany, are too destroy a demon terrifying a small village not too far from here! For 5,000,000 jewel!" She smiled.

"Sounds good. I want my team to come."

And as if they read his mind, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Wendy, Carla, and Happy came rushing to them.

"We're in!" They spoke in unison.

"Let's go then! Natsu, I heard of your motion sickness, so here!" A ice crystal appeared in her hand. It was... Grey. "Eat this, and it will cure motion sickness for twenty four hours!"

He swallowed it whole and asked, "we never did figure out your magic...?"

"I use Ice Make! But my ice is... Grey." She smiled.

Gray was taken back for a moment, but then smiled it reply.

'For a said to be cold hearted monster, she sure is nice!' He thought to himself.

"Now come! Aiki is getting anxious!"

Lucy, Natsu, and Happy were confused, as they were not present for Aiki's demonstration.

"Oh! I will show you! Aiki is very smart!"

Gray, Wendy, Carla, and Erza nodded.

"Ok, Aiki! Real quick can you go find Lissana for me?"

The cat purred and walked towards the white haired Mage. She jumped on her head and she smiled.

"Hai! Hai, Aiki! Very good! Go find Macau San again!"

The kitten once again, jumped off, landing on the mans head. He wasn't too far away.

"Good job! Come on now!"

And the group....

Was on there way....

Grey Captain... {FairyTail x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang