Ch I

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She got off the train.

Walked through the city.

All eyes on her.

Some in amusement.

Some in fright.

She payed attention to none of this.

It didn't matter too her.

The Captain...

The Captain. She is very famous, loved, and feared. But she has her reasons for her coldness. With a past like hers... What do you expect?

It all happened seven years ago...

"Ani! Chikara! Where did you go?" The young captain called out.

"Over here! There is a big patch of berries!"
Her brother replied.

"Coming then!"

The young captain ran to her brothers voice, to find him picking berries.

"I found a good batch!" Her brother told her.

"Hai! Yoku yatta!" She replied.

"Arigato, (Y/N) San!" He replied.

The young captain giggled... A giggle that would not be heard for a very, very long time.

A tree branch snapped.

"Chikara! Did you hear that?" The girl asked.

"Hai! Show yourself!" The boy shouted.

"I'm not sure you want that..." A strange voice said.

"Why not?" The girl asked.

"If you come close... You will surely die children..."

"Why?" She asked again.

"I have a curse."

"Poor man..." Chikara said.

He slowly stepped towards the strange voice.

"NO! STOP!" The man screamed.

But Chikara did not listen...

He died that day.

The Captain was all alone.

And she swore revenge... On the dark wizard Zeref.

"(Y/N) Sama!" A boy... About the captains age called out.

"There you are Aiki! Where is Shay?" The captain replied.

"She is picking berries! There's a large batch over there!" He replied.


"What's wrong... Oh! N-Never mind!" Aiki replied... Remembering the girls past.

"I-It's fine Aiki! That was three years ago!" The captain reassured him.

"I'm back!" A young girl called.

"Shay! You have berries... Yes?" The captain asked.

"Hai! Feast!"

They ate berries that night... Many... Many of them. It was amazing. Nothing could have gone wrong... Nothing.

A scream was heard. Aiki and The Captain looked over.

"Shay!" The Captain screamed.

Shay lied there... Covered... Soaked in blood. Decapitated.

"S-Sister!" Aiki called out.

The duo stood there. Petrified.

A sister... And a best friend... Murdered.

"N-No! Shay! No!" The captain screamed.

"(Y/N) Sama! We have to go!" Aiki said.

"No! I won't leave her!"

"We have to go! I'm not gonna lose you to, (Y/N)!"

The girl looked at him in shock... He had never called her that before.

She nodded her head and they ran.

They eventually stopped at a near by tree, (Y/N) pinned Aiki to it.

"Ne Aiki..."

"What's wrong?"

"If one of us dies tonight... You have to know..."


"Aiki... I-I-I..." The captain took a deep breath. "I am in love with you..."

The two stood there in shock.

Aiki then wrapped his arms around the girl and held her close.

"I feel the same..."

Just then... He stopped moving.

The Captain looked up at him, his eyes were lifeless, and his skin was cold.

There was bloods dripping out of his nose and mouth...

"Aiki? Aiki!" The girl screamed. "No! No please! Let this be a dream! Please!"

But alas... It wasn't a dream.

She kissed his cold... Lifeless... Blood soaked lips.

Tears streamed her rosy cheeks.

And that was the day... She decided to never let anyone into her life again.

She trained.

She learned ice make.

But her ice was different.

It was... Grey.

Grey Captain... {FairyTail x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now