Freshlee request pt2

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Nate💨:anyone wanna smoke then to the mall?

Derek🤑:I'm down!

Swazz😈:same here


Nate💨:wait where's Alyssa she's usually the first to answer?

Swazz😈:yo what something happened! Wait what day is it?

Derek🤑:it's the 23rd why??

Kdl🙏🏾:Swazz is she on her period or something??

Swazz😈:yeah I'm already going to the store!

Nate💨:hold up I'm coming

Derek🤑:let's all just go!

Kdl🙏🏾:damn she must be in some serious ass pain to not text us!

•2 hours later

Alyssa:guys what's going on?

Nate💨:ma is u okay? Are still in pain?

Alyssa:what the hell are you talking about!

Derek🤑:aren't you on ur period??

Kdl🙏🏾:Swazz said it started today!

Alyssa:why are y'all listening Swazz he doesn't know the difference between Molly and Crack my period stopped yesterday morning😒

Swazz😈:that's shit was hurtful right there!

Nate💨:wait so what were you doing?

Alyssa:I was working making money not everyone can make money off rapping!

Swazz😈:how come ur now just telling us? And when did u get this job?

Alyssa:well stupid I got this job over 3 months ago u would now if y'all listened to me because I've mentioned it!

Kdl🙏🏾:damn okay we're really sorry! But what do you do?

Alyssa:I'm a daycare teacher

Derek🤑:that's cute, wait guys we have to put all this shit back!

Alyssa:what stuff?

Kdl🙏🏾:we bought u a whole cart of food😂

Alyssa:wait just buy the food I'll pay y'all back as soon I get my check!

Swazz😈:or we can buy it take it to ur house and it's on us this time

Alyssa:hold up for real!

Nate💨:yeah ma where's the key?

Alyssa:just knock my roommate should be there!

Derek🤑:I'm not trying to deal with ur ghetto ass roommate!

Alyssa:I got a new one I promise she's so nice it disgust me sometimes!

Nate💨:okay mami we love you😍

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