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Heyy so I'm writing this on tumblr but since I have a wattpad I decided to put it here too :) something really important about this fic is that the relationship is gonna move really fast, but think of it in terms of their society. As soon as someone meets their soulmate, they're literally perfect for each other and destined to spend the rest of their lives together so there's really no reason to take it slow and it would be common for things to progress really quickly.
I just wanted to clarify that since I know I hate it when authors make a relationship move too fast. Like, whoa y'all met like two chapters ago and you're already making out? Can we slow down? But with the way the system works in this fic it wouldn't make sense to not dive right into things.
"You're going out again?" Your best friend and roommate asked, folding her arms as she leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and watched you curl your hair.

"Yeah, just with a couple friends. Gonna get real drunk. gonna get laid." You said, turning off your curling iron and leaning into the mirror to check your lipstick.

"As usual." Your friend scoffed, turning on her heel and leaving.

"Emily," You groaned, following her out. "What's going on? You seem upset with me."

"Why would I be upset that my best friend is so miserable she's wasting her life away getting wasted and hooking up with random guys?"

"Only on weekends." You argued.
"As if that'll make me feel better. Have you gotten checked for STDs? You probably should with the amount of sex you've been having." She asked.

"I always use protection. I have, like, twenty condoms in my purse." You said.

Emily made a face, shaking her head. "Gross. I'm just really worried about you. There are healthy ways to get over this, you know."

"Like what?" You snapped, tired of Emily judging you.

"I don't know, actually trying to date an get to know other people?"

"What's the point? I wouldn't be meant for them, they wouldn't be meant for me, we would just be wasting time and missing the thing we both really want in our life. Our soulmate." You said, crossing the room to sit on the couch and slip on your heels. "The way I see it, the alcohol makes me forget about the whole soulmate thing and the sex gives all the physicality."

"People can still be happy in non-soulmate relationships. God, you're a mess. You're not the only one who hasn't met their soulmate, you know. You still could, even." Emily sighed.

"Out of the seven billion people on this planet? Yeah, statistically I'm totally still likely to meet my soulmate. Besides, it can be so hard to even identify who your soulmate is. Sharing one unique physical trait? What id it's like, a butt freckle or something?"

"It's probably that birthmark over your elbow that's shaped like Italy." Emily pointed out.

"Even so, theres still the seven billion people issue. So yeah, it's totally gonna happen.

"You know what? Fine. Do whatever you want. Be angsty and irresponsible and wallow in self pity if you want. I've been trying to make you see reason for months, but clearly that's not happening. Have fun tonight." Emily said.

"Don't wait up." You said. "I'll be home probably early tomorrow morning, five or six maybe. Depends on how far away the guy lives but I'll sneak out before he wakes up." You continued. You grabbed your purse and shoved your phone into it, standing from the couch. "My uber is here."

You threw the door open, stalking out of the house and leaving a fuming Emily behind.

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