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Anxiety is not being nervous.
Don't use it as a synonym.

Anxiety isn't just loosing your breath
It is like someone stole your lungs.

It isn't just a little shaking of hands
It is the violent shaking body and you can't feel any part.

It is Not a feeling of nervousness
It is a disease.
Please if you don't know how it feels,
Don't judge.

So i told my sister that i have anxiety. She is the first member of my family that i trusted enough to tell her...
But she just said that i'm being pathetic, there is nothing like anxiety in the world, it is just a excuse used by lazy and worthless person like you.
Well... thanks sister for your oh-so-motivational talk. You really helped. *Note the Sarcasm*

DepressionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz