Meeting The Fan

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   "I'm guessing you do this with every other fan at your tour?" Emily accused. Connor looked hurt, "Of course not. When I saw you down there, I knew I had to make up some excuse to meet you." He meant it. "Come back to my hotel room. I can call my manager to take care of my stuff. Please, I want to get to know you better." Emily was one of Connor Franta's biggest fans so she HAD to accept. He called an Uber and got them to his room right away.

   "You're gonna flip when you see this room." Connor said as he was using his key card to unlock the door. He was right. Well, she didn't actually do a flip but she was pretty shocked. There was a big chandelier in the middle of the room when you first walked in. White couches were bombarded with tacky gold pillows. There was a a marble staircase rising from the marble floor to reveal a second layer in the elegant room. Everything on the first floor was big, shiny, and white. There was a huge flat screen on the wall, begging to have a colored picture on it. Emily raced upstairs to see more. The bedroom was also white. There was a huge king size bed with a white feather comforter and another chandelier. The bathroom was similar. "What kind of hotel room is this?!" she managed out of disbelief. Connor smiled, "One that millionaires can afford. Come try out this bed, it's super comfy." Emily knew exactly what he was trying to do. Did she want this? Everyone back home would be so jealous and in awe. She sat on the bed. "Get comfortable. Lay down, get under the covers." he was practically pleading. They both got under the covers and started to gaze at each other. "You're beautiful." Connor admitted. Emily blushed. He got closer to Emily and put his arm around her and brought her to him. He closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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