Virus Hunter Island Walkthrough

Start from the beginning

Use your mouse to re-create the original documents.  

Three documents: “For Internal Use Only”, “Pizza Delivery Company” brochure, and blueprints for PDC’s “Secret Laboratory”.

Nicely done! The pirate radio host gives you a (phony) Poptropica Disease Center (or PDC) I.D. BADGE. Talk to the pirate radio host more and he tells you that PDC must have a front somewhere, where the secret bunker lab is hidden. Drop down and run right to the video store. Use your PDC I.D. BADGE and the clerk will lead you into the Staff Only door. Follow him. He tells you to go down the elevator and talk to Dr. Lange.

PART TWO: Find Patient Zero

At the bottom of the elevator, go right through the decontamination area. Talk to Dr. Lange, the redhead with the cool goggles. She knows your badge is fake, but is looking for volunteers. She tells you that someone in this small town has a superbug — a highly contagious virus — that could wipe out everyone on the planet if it’s not contained. She wants you to find patient zero, the person who has the bug, and to take a picture of him or her. She gives you a DOSSIER to help find patient zero and a CAMERA to take the picture.

The DOSSIER tells you all about Patient Zero.

Take the elevator back up, exit the video store, and head left to the Knave’s Landing condos. Enter the condos and click on the trash can. Use your mouse to move around the trash until you see the two pieces of mail, a letter for Joe Stockman and a postcard in the trash that shows that Joe recently traveled abroad. The letter to Joe is from GloboChem and shows he lives in condo number 3. But he’s not home and you need more evidence anyway.

Head to the Falafel place and talk to the owner. He tells you he needs to deliver lunch to GloboChem. Quick, get to GloboChem. Once the falafel guy goes through the security gate you can “piggyback” into the gate behind him (despite what the sign says).

Go up the stairs.  You’ll come across all of the GloboChem employees avoiding work (slackers every one!) on your way to the top level. When you get to the far top left, you’ll meet Joe Stockman…

You know it’s him, because he tells you that he’s just been on a vacation. Go into your backpack and Use the CAMERA. Once you’ve got that photo of Joe, run back to Dr. Lange in the PDC Secret Lab in the video store.

PART THREE: Learn How to Pilot the Ship

Dr. Lange confirms that Joe Stockman is Patient Zero. PDC can’t bring him in for fear that he’ll panic, run away, and cause an outbreak of the disease he is carrying.  Instead, she asks you to follow her to an elevator and to an even more secret lab. Talk to Dr. Lange again. She tells you that our only chance is to create a vaccine by isolating the virus in Joe by shrinking down a scientist and sending him into Joe’s bloodstream. YOU are that scientist.

Go left and stand on the platform in front of the giant shrink ray gun.

Zap! You’re shrunk down and find yourself inside a miniature submarine.

The Mini-sub

Dr. Lange gives you a tutorial on how to use the mini-sub. You click in the direction you want to move the sub. To change tools, click on the sub itself then click on the weapon you want to use.

Laser Scalpel (bottom) – make contact to cut

Electrobolt (right side) – spacebar to zap blue muscle fibers to make them contract and get out of the way.

Coagulant tool (left side) – spacebar to heal up wounds (that are producing red blood cells)

Gun (top) – spacebar to shoot viruses

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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