Connor Gets Ready For The Tour

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     "Are you nervous?" Connor's new manager, Lisa, asked him. "What? Of course not. Don't you know I've been doing this for awhile now?" He shook his head and laughed, for his new manager didn't know much about him yet. "Yes, I know, Connor. You're a huge star. Everyone knows you!" Lisa replied, obviously being sarcastic. "Oh, look. We're here. Better get to your dressing room and get ready for the stage!" They gather their things and leave the tour bus. They head towards Connor's dressing room. "Your makeup and hair dresser should be here soon, I already picked out your outfit. You'll be wearing this." She gestured to the outfit laying on the couch. It just looked like an everyday outfit to Connor. "Do you remember what to do when you get on stage?" Lisa asked. Connor scoffed, "Of course. Quit worrying. This isn't my first rodeo, Lisa." A gentle knock was on the door and Lisa looked through the peep hole. "She's here." Lisa welcomed the makeup and hair dresser in and left the room. She thought to herself once she left, Connor's never going to think of me as anything more than business. Why can't I just give it up? But I can't. I'm so lucky that he chose me to be his manager and I need to keep things normal and serious between us.

   "Okay, we're done." Connor admired himself in the mirror. That pimple is gone but I don't look much different, he thought. He got in his outfit and strutted onto the stage, mentally rehearsing his lines. 

   Time went by and Connor started having some crowd participation. "I'm going to pick ONE person to do a backword words challenge with me!" The crowd starting screaming hoping to get noticed. But Connor couldn't take his eyes off one fan that stood out like the sun against the sky. He walked over to her and held his hand out, hoping she would accept and get on stage with him. She hopped up and he said, "What's your name? I'm Connor." then winked. She smiled big and replied, "I'm Emily." "Well Emily, we're going to play a game. Random words will pop up on the screen and you have to say them backwards. Easy, I'm sure you've heard of it." Her face was bright red and she nodded. They started the game and between words he slipped a note into her hand. She looked down and read it. He winked again. The game was over and he said goodnight to his fans and exited the stage. As soon as he was in the off, the same fan was there with him. He wasn't shocked at all, he knew that the note said, Meet me behind the stage at the end of the show. 

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