Then, the video went black.

Lindsey was sitting in shock with her hands clasped over her mouth. Something crossed her mind and she slowly reversed the video. As the men shot at Superman, she saw something on one's gun. A silver label with a seven letters written across it actually.


Lindsey's tongue felt like lead in her mouth. She raised a shaking hand and exited the files. She knew too much. It was only a matter of time before she got caught.

She had to find Lois and more importantly Clark.

As she reached for her cell the door slid open behind her.

"Did you get my note?"

Her throat went dry.

That was odd. He had none of his usual banter. Not even a joking tone. All business.

Lindsey turned to face him and gently slid her fingers into her bag searching for her cell.

"Yes I did, Mr. Luthor," She said calmly, "It was flattering."

The man in front of her was shaking slightly. His curly, bronze hair bounced as he strode forward and clamped his hands onto her shoulders, pushing her gently backwards in her chair.

Lindsey leaned her head back trying to keep him away from her face but Lex managed to keep his face inches from her own. His startling green eyes searched hers.

"And?" He breathed, "Your thoughts, Miss Lane?"

Lindsey stared back into his eyes feeling herself beginning to get lost in them before shaking herself back into reality. Her fingers closed in the cold metal of her phone.

"I-I was startled," she said quickly ducking her head.

Lex didn't release her and continued staring.

"Please continue," he murmured.

"I-I am still unsure of my feelings for you, Mr. Luthor," Lindsey said in a coldly apologetic tone.

Lex stared at her for a few more moments before straightening up and letting her go. He fixed his coat and played with his blue t-shirt refusing to look at her.

Lindsey took full opportunity of this and began frantically searching for the on button.

"You, are afraid of me."

Startled, Lindsey looked up.

Lex was studying the window behind her, his hands clasped behind his back. He sent her a small twitching smile before looking back out of the glass. He took a few slow steps forward and began tapping his wrist with his fingers.

"You are afraid," he chuckled slightly, "Of course you are."

"Mr. Luthor?" Lindsey asked quietly.

She snuck a glance at her phone and found Lois's name. It was after all her only contact number. She pressed it and opened a text chat quickly before looking back up at Lex.

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