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"Caleb!" Avery screamed shaking the door and banging on it trying to get out. "Let me out you psycho bitch!" Avery continued to bang on the door until it just suddenly opened. She ran to Caleb's room where she found him face down on the carpet.

She hurried to his side and saw the small amount of blood dripping from his neck and  flipped him over.
"Caleb, wake up." She cried as she gently smacked his cheek. He didn't wake up. "Caleb!" She screamed shaking him. But he still didn't wake up. She cried, clutching him to her chest, she knew Evelyn had lied when she said she didn't touch Caleb.

Caleb groaned and pushed Avery off a little. "Man was that one hell of a demon." He chuckled. Avery hugged him in relief. "She didn't hurt you did she?" Caleb felt guilt, he couldn't even protect his own sister.

She shook her head no. Caleb knew she was lying, he could see the redness around her neck. "Is your neck alright?" He said touching it. Avery flinched back and winced in pain.
"Let's get you some ice." Caleb said trying to stand.
"No," Avery objected. "We have to clean the wound on the back of your head first I'll go get some stuff." Avery ran to the bathroom and got a first aid kit and ran back to Caleb. "I'll have to admit, she kicked my ass. I didn't realize I was that out of practice." Caleb chuckled while he opened the first aid kit. Avery stayed quiet and frowned while Caleb popped the self cooling ice pack. "I see your first encounter didn't go so well huh." He handed her the ice pack. "You're supposed to use the things in the first aid kit for you." Avery said quietly.
"It's just a little cut," he said pouring alcohol on the back of his neck. "It will heal fine, might leave a little scab in my hair but I'll be fine. You need the ice pack so your neck doesn't swell up."
Caleb helped her off the floor and onto his bed.

"Maybe we should just leave her alone Aves, you heard what she said. We leave her alone, she leaves us alone." Caleb said.

"Bullshit! Not after what she did to you."

"Avery I'm fine. But this is just too dangerous and obviously I'm not up to par to defend you. What happened was pathetic she shouldn't have even reached your room." Caleb said with tears welling up in his eyes. " I don't need to loose you too Avery."

Avery sat quietly. She didn't know what to say. "I'm going to get another ice pack from the store. I'll be back in 5 minutes tops. Don't move, your neck will get worse. If anything goes wrong just trigger the house alarm and I'll be back."

Caleb rushed down the stairs picking up Avery's note book and to his car. He drove off fast, he was pissed. He flipped through the pages until he got to the one he needed. Michael's address. He had no idea Avery has been working on this job alone for this long. He stopped quickly in front of this house and made his way to the steps. He banged on the door as hard as he could.

"Um, hello?" Michael said opening the door. "Is there any particular reason you're banging on my door."

"Are you Michael Clifford?" Caleb asked.

"Depends on who's asking."

Caleb looked around before forcing himself into the hose and closing the door.

"Listen dude I don't know what your problem is but I'd appreciate it if you'd get the fuck out before I call the cops." Michael said calmly yet aggressively.

Caleb pinned Michael against the wall by his neck. "No you listen, dude, I have no idea who you are or what the fuck Avery has done to you but leave her the fuck alone okay?" Caleb yelled.

Michael mustered up the strength to push Caleb off of him. "What the fuck is your problem? I just met Avery today, I don't know two shits about the chick."
"Well tell that to your psycho demon girlfriend."

Michael stopped, he didn't even know anything about Evelyn and Avery. "You should know this. I come from a long line of demon hunters and if she so much as lays another finger on Avery I will end her life and more importantly yours." Caleb said.

"Not likely." Evelyn spat. Michael turned his head and took a quick glance at her then back at Caleb.

"Evelyn, what did you do?" Michael said worried.

"Just passed some information along. That's all." She said nonchalantly. "And for you Caleb you think you can kill me? I bet you couldn't even lay a finger on me kid. If your dear old Ma and Pop couldn't kill me with them being the best in the US and all," Evelyn paused for dramatic effect. "Then why am I still here and they're not?" She cocked her head to the side and waited for his reply.
"That's enough Evelyn." Michael said.

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