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Maya and Avery sat at lunch together. They talked about Michael and how he was acting strange. Maya seemed very concerned, she knew it was probably just another one of Michaels little moods but he's never just ignored her like the way he was today. "I mean I don't know. What if something wrong and I don't know about it? I mean it probably wasn't in my place to tell you about Michael and his imaginary friend but it's all just getting so weird and a little unbearable." Maya ranted on. Avery took tiny mental notes to remember for when she got home. "I understand. It all just sounds like you needed someone to talk to." Avery comforted her. "But I have a question."
"Hm?" Maya motioned her to ask her question. "Has anyone ever thought that maybe what he's seeing isn't imaginary?"
Maya looked confused. "What else would it be?" Maya asked.

"I don't know, I'm just saying maybe we should call ghost busters and kick some major ghost ass." Avery laughed but it didn't seem to amuse Maya.
"Kidding." Avery said. A partially true statement, mostly a lie.

"I'm a nervous wreck enough as is Aves." Maya sighed. Avery shrugged her shoulders and continued to drink her juice. " I just can't shake the feeling that somethings going on with him and I'm sure he's not going to tell me ."

"I'm sure everything is fine. Just give him a little space and everything should get back to normal." Avery said. "I think I'm going to have to take a reign check on this convo, big bro is here to pick me up early." Avery stood up and gathered her things before saying bye to Maya and making her way to the front doors.

Make sure you sign me out.

She texted her brother. As she was looking down at her phone she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into someone. "You know we really have to stop meeting like this Michael." Avery joked. She was right, when Michael was around the sulfur smell got stronger. "Yeah, sorry about that." Michael said. "Well I'll see you around." Avery smiled politely and continued walking to the door.
She waved hello to her brother and followed him to the car. Once they finally reached the car he spoke. "So what was so urgent that I had to pick you up?"

"I think I finally got my first job!" She said enthusiastically. "What at like the school or something?" Her brother said. "No Caleb, I can finally live up to the family business." She smiled broadly.

Caleb was silent. "Aves, you know we stopped that a long time ago when you were little, it was too dangerous. Besides you're a girl you don't need to be doing all that hunting shit. And it was probably just a coincidence anyways." He dismissed the idea.

"But from what my friend told me it all fits! And I smelled sulfur every time he was around."
"So you think he's possessed or something?"
"No, I think something following him, like it's attached to him or something. Atleast I think so. I can finally do my first hunt, and dad had trained me for certain things and-"

"Hunting is what got mom and dad killed Avery." Caleb said blandly.
"I know Caleb." Avery said quietly. "But I-"
"I don't want demon hunting to be your lifestyle. We left that behind a long time ago let's leave it like that."

"What are you so afraid of?!" Avery yelled. "I know you go around looking for what killed our parents, I know you still live this lifestyle that we apparently left behind so long ago but God forbid I want to do something that could possibly save someone's life?"

Caleb sighed and was silent. He stopped the car in front of the house. "I just want you to be sure before you go into this.  I'm not saying you don't know what you're talking about I just think you're not prepared. It just seems a little far up your alley. Hell, kinda far up mines too. I've never heard of a demon surviving without a host. Must be hella strong."

"I am Caleb, I really am. I looked it up."   Avery unlocked the front doors and went straight to the bookshelf. "See it's right here in one of these old journals. While it is uncommon, a demon or evil spirit can roam freely as long as their energy source is strong enough to support it and is willing to support it." She read off.
"Whatever is following Michael around doesn't need to a host because from what I heard Michael has enough issues in his life and is willing to keep the thing around just for support. He's in love with the damn thing."

"Forgive me for saying this but I think we should just leave it as is."

"What? Why? It's to dangerous to just leave it as is." Avery protested.
"From what you're telling me the boy is damn near dependent it. If it's not doing any harm don't you think we should just leave it alone? I'm dropping whatever you think this thing is. If it gets to be a problem then we take care of it but not now." Caleb said. He kissed his sister on the forehead before making his way to his room.

Avery closed the journal in disappointment. "Fine," she said under her breath. "If he doesn't want to hunt with me I'll just do it alone then." Avery gathered all the journal she could and brought them to her room. Her brother thought they should get rid of them awhile ago but she always protested against it, she knew they would come in handy and she was right. At least she thought she was. "Shower first, then research." She said to herself. She quickly grabbed some lounging clothes and hurried to the bathroom. She quickly showered and changed then hurried back to her room. She looked at her bed and to her surprise all the journals were gone. "Real funny, Caleb." She sighed.

"Hello, Avery." She heard an unfamiliar voice. She snapped her head to her bed.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked the unfamiliar girl. She quickly picked up anything that could do damage, in this case it was a wooden baseball bat for when she goes to the batting cages with Caleb.
"That doesn't matter at least not yet it doesn't." Avery swung hard at the girl with the bat.

"Fiesty aren't you?" She laughed. Suddenly the girl was behind her. Avery began to panic struggling to get the door open. It was locked, it wouldn't budge. She pounded on the door as she called Caleb over and over.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. Besides Caleb went to go get a few things from the store, he'll be back."

"Caleb never leaves without telling me." Avery said with a shaky voice swinging the bat again. Either this chick could move really fast or she swung too slowly. "Caleb was in a hurry."

"If it was that much of a hurry he would have taken me with him. What the hell did you do with my brother?"

"Okay well first let me introduce myself, I'm Evelyn. I just want you to know when you put your nose where it doesn't belong somethings going to come right along and bite it off." The girl got closer. "I suggest leaving this whole hunt thing alone or bad things will happen." She smirked. "After all, Caleb is all you got. I'd hate to see something bad happen to him. Or he'll end up just like your parents."

"How do you know about my parents?" She said quietly. "I've been around. Let's just say your parents didn't like to mind their own fucking business. I see the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."

Avery's heart stopped. Was this really the demon that killed her parents or was it just someone fucking with her.

"Michael is very happy. Leave me alone, leave him alone, you keep your family. Or perhaps what's left of it."

"Bite me you stupid bitch." Avery snarled swinging the bat again, missed. Something snatched the bat away from her and Evelyn had her pinned against the wall by her neck.

"Listen here, I'm being very nice to you." Her grip tightened as Avery struggled to breathe. He couldn't help but think how a demon without a host could be so powerful. "All I want is for you to mind your fucking business and no one will get hurt. Okay?" Evelyn dropped her hand from Avery's neck. She watched as she coughed trying to regain regular breathing. "What did you do with Caleb." Avery mustered out. "Relax I told you I didn't hurt him. I didn't touch him in fact. Just one snap put his pathetic ass to sleep." Avery looked at Evelyn with pure disgust. "And if you so much as think about trying to separate me from Michael there will be consequences. There are always consequences, Avery."

Ayeeeeee so yah I still need to explain Avery further in the next chapter but yeah that's pretty much it for now Byeee

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