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"Why do we have to be here?" Evelyn mumbled.

"It's school, it's kind of the law." Michaels said.

"No, I know it's the law but this is not Bridgeway, if I'm not mistaken." She looked around.

"I already explained to you why we are at a new school."

"Oh yeah. I liked public school better." She mumbled.

"Yeah, well my parents though private school would be better for my future and shit like that."

"I guess. The uniform looks weird on you." Evelyn pulled at his jacket sleeve.

"I guess you're right." He laughed.

"Hey Michael." It was Maya, she was the one who told Michael about this school. If he was going to private school he might as well be with his best friend. "Welcome to East Malibu High!" She said excitedly. "Go Sea Lions." Michael mumbled.
"Listen, you'll get used to it after awhile," Max laughed. "At least your hair is a normal color. Now you won't get as many stares." Maya laughed.

"But I liked your red hair." Evelyn said.

"Besides the point Evelyn." Michael said.

"Um, Michael can I talk to you, Alone?" Maya said.

"Go ahead, I'm going to take a look around." Evelyn smiled.

"Yeah?" Michael said.

"Listen I'm used to your imagi-" Maya paused, "I'm used to Evelyn but other people may not be."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"No one can see her, so they're going to think you're talking to yourself or something."

"You can't see her but you still-"

"Because I've been friends with you since we were really little, I'm used to it. Listen all I'm saying is just lay off from engaging in conversation in public, just so no one will freak out and think you're talking to yourself okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Michael fake smiled. " I don't really seeing myself fit in here anyways though."

"How'd you figure?" Maya questioned.
"Because everyone here is so preppy, and I'm me. I don't fit in."

"You can always do what I did."

"And that is?"

"Join the cheerleading team." Maya laughed.
"Yeah, no thanks. But can you at least show me to my first class. At least after I find-"

"I'm right here, Michael." Evelyn said.

"I see you have a uniform now too." Michael replied. Evelyn twirled a little in the skirt. She liked how it flowed so easily.

"Um, did you get the iPad they give you at registration." Maya asked.

"Did they give me what now? What type of rich people shit."

"Some public schools have students have iPad instead of textbooks too. It's just easier." Michael shrugged in response. "I'll take you to the office so you can get it. Your schedule should be uploaded onto it."

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