Superman rubbed Lindsey the wrong way. Yeah he was a hero but at the same time he was also a murderer. Think of all those people who had been trapped in the buildings he and General Zod destroyed all those months ago.

Clark awkwardly shifted the flowers in his arms.

"Uh, where's Lois?"

"Bathroom," Lindsey shrugged grabbing her bag.

She dropped her pudding cup into it and brushed past Kent.

"She's only on her third song. You'll have to wait about four more before she's done," Lindsey called as she exited.


*2 weeks later*

Her bloody sister was an utter idiot.


She had risked her life for a stupid news article!!!

Lindsey may not have been the closest to Lois but she was still family! She still cared about her sister!

So naturally when she found out what her idiot sister had done she freaked out.


Lois sighed.

"It was nothing, Lindsey. Just a trip for the paper," she replied casually as she pulled off her crusty jacket.

Lindsey scoffed.

"Oh yeah. Just for the paper. Would getting killed be alright too since it would be for the paper?"

Lois rolled her eyes as she pulled her red hair out of her dirty ponytail.

"You're just overreacting."

"Overreacting? I'M OVERREACTING?" Lindsey spluttered, "You're the one going on suicide missions!"

Lois huffed and turned around to face her furious sister.

"I was fine! Clark knew where I was the whole time! He saved me after," her voice lowered to a whisper, "after I got caught and arrested."

Lindsey grabbed her sister by her shoulders.

"What if he wasn't there! What if you couldn't rely on him anymore!" She cried.

Lois's eyes flashed and she pulled out Lindsey's grip.

"HE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE!" She snapped, "No need to get jealous!"

Lindsey snorted.

"Jealous? Of what? A superhero who can only save one person?"

Lois snarled and slammed the door to the bathroom shut in Lindsey's face.

Lindsey felt a twinge of regret at her words.

The bathtub water spluttered to life and Lindsey pressed her forehead to the door with a slight thud.

"Lois," she began.


"Lois, I'm sorry," Lindsey mumbled.

The water stopped.

"I'm sorry did the great, Lindsey Lane just apologize to her lowly sister?" Lois called back not even trying to hide the venom in her voice.

Lindsey bit her tongue.

"Yes. I'm sorry alright? I should't've made fun of your perfect boyfriend," she called through the door, "Even though he is a self righteous brat."

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing," Lindsey replied quickly.


The water turned back on with a creaking noise and Lindsey sighed turning to leave.

"It's okay, Lindsey," Lois called slowly, "I forgive you. And I'm sorry for not being as careful as I should've."

Lindsey smiled sadly.

"It's all good, Sis."

Slowly, she walked back to the kitchen where Lois's bag was sitting. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure Kent didn't make an appearance, she stuck her hand into the bag. Her sister's dusty leather journal slid carefully out. Peering down at it, Lindsey felt her eyes widen.


Lindsey could hear Lois's groan from the bathroom.

*1 week later*

The hole in the journal was indeed from a bullet but what Lois had failed to notice was that the bullet was still lodged in the cover.

Lindsey found it first.

She was now holding it to her desk lamp light in her bedroom peering closely at the thing.

It was oddly shaped and tapered slightly at the one end. Almost like a short point. It was completely silver except for one thing. It had a green band wrapped around the base.


Lindsey quickly dropped the bullet into her desk drawer and slammed is shut. Spinning around in her chair, she turned to face Lois.

Lois's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Lindsey replied smoothly.

Lois glared at her but didn't press the issue.

"Look me and Clark are gonna hang out here tonight so if you don't want to see us getting all-"

"Stop right there! I've heard enough!" Lindsey said quickly jumping to her feet.

She slid her fingers into the top drawer and snatched up the bullet.

"I'll go to the lab shall I? I'm sure there's plenty for me to work on there!" She stated cheerfully.

She got to the door when Lois stuck out her arm to stop her.

"Open your hands."

Lindsey's blood ran cold.

"What?" She asked trying to act surprised, "Why?"

Lois sent her a look and grabbed her hands twisting them towards her.

"I know your hiding something, now spill."

Lindsey heaved a sigh and unfurled her hands. Her palms were bare.

"See? There's nothing there," she said pulling her hands from her sisters grip, "Odin, why do you have to think there's a story to everything?"

Lois didn't answer as Lindsey walked briskly out of the apartment.

Only when she was four blocks away did Lindsey let out a slow sigh of relief. She wiggled the cuff of her sleeve and out popped the bullet.

"That was close," She muttered into the dark night.

Snow White {BvS Lex Luthor Story}Where stories live. Discover now