Boy Meets...Boy? Chapter Two

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Boy Meets...Boy?: Chapter Two

Updated 7.18.2012

Jaycee woke up with a groan of pain. His body hurt so much it wasn't even believable how much pain he was in. The cigarette burns still burned on his skin like a spots filled of agonizing pain. His face hurt but not as much as the sides of his stomach. He slowly opened his eyes blinking repeatedly until his face got use to the pure light shining down on him. He immediately realized he wasn't in the school hallway anymore, he wasn't on the cold tile floor either.

He looked around slowly as he sat up to only realize he was in a car. In someone’s car because he didn't have a car and no one of his friends had car. His heart immediately jumped as he thought he was being kidnapped but relaxed a little as he looked out the windows to only notice that he was still at the school. Why would his kidnapper keep him at school? He thought as he shifted his body painfully in a more upright position. He was sitting in the back seat of the car, a blanket at his feet and he looked around more outside noticing the car was in the students’ parking lot. He sat there in the car a little confused for a moment before climbing to the front where there were doors to get out of. It's one of those old cars that had two doors but could seat four people. He climbed out the car unlocking it as he closed the door behind him. He held onto his sides before wondering if he should go back to school.

He pulled out his phone noticing it was only 12:34. He'd been out for only fifteen minutes. He signed as he felt too lazy to go back to school and began to walk home, walking along the side walk shivering slightly as he forgot that his jacket was in the school. It was two days before December and the harsh weather was already talking over his small town. He sign, hugging himself as he tried to keep himself warm, as he continued to walk.


Jaycee finally limped his way home glad his father wasn't home from his work. He probably would have gotten another beating for getting beaten up. He signed at that thought as he walked to his room where he stripped and grabbed some clothing and heading toward the shower. As he entered the bathroom he noticed somewhat unhappily that he looked really terrible. His black hair stood up in odd ends as his face was puffy and discolored with purple and blue hues making his soft, pale skin tone look even paler. He looked so sick. He looked lower from his face and was annoyed at the cigarette burns that scarred his neck and chest. How'd they even get it under his shirt? He thought angrily as he ran a hand over his bruised body. He was surprised to see that some of the bruises had gotten through his skin and blood had oozed out in a clean line out of broken skin. He signed annoyed with his beating but unfortunately was use to it.

He climbed into the shower hissing out loud as the water stung his wounds. He relaxed a little as the warm water soothed his bruised body eventually and he began to wash himself clean. When he was done he turned the shower off, drying off before changing into his dinosaur pj bottoms and a plain white t-shirt.

He hung up the damp towel before combing out his black hair. He then shook it out and combed his finger through it making his wet hair stay out of his face. He finally went back to his room his body was tired and sore and he thought about his school work which was all in his book bag at school. How was he suppose to study now with his work not with him? He frowned as he climbed onto his chair that was infront of his computer. He started it up, it wheezing out into life. He entered his password before clicking on his mail. He had no new mail. That was disappointing to him and he frowned, thinking about the no social life he had. As he thought about it his computer made a loud ping sound before a message popped up. He looked at it noticing it was his online chat thingy. As he looked closer seeing it was a message from someone. He clicked on the new message and it opened the chat room.

TheHULK143: I leave u in my car & u disappear w/out thanking me!  

Wtf?!... Did u at least get home okay???

Jaycee looked at the message confused. Who was this? Was this the person that had saved him? He began to reply typing away on his computer.

Geekboy23: Yeah...I got home fine. Who are you?

Jaycee stared at the screen waiting for a reply when he suddenly heard his front door slam. He jumped quickly turning his monitor off as he ran to his bed grabbing a text book from last year as he jumped onto the bed. He flipped to a random page as his heart hammered in his chest. He heard his dad slam into the dining room table and then curse. Jaycee immediately knew that he was drunk which only made his heart rate speed up. He glanced down at his text book not focused on the words at all as he strained to listen on where his dad was now. He didn't want another beating. He heard his door knob rattle and he looked at it wide eyed scared but suddenly it stopped. He heard a murmur of words and a slur of curses trailing off behind his wooden door. He then heard the slam of his dad's door shutting meaning his dad was going to sleep of his drunkenness. He was safe. He signed in relief as he closed the text book throwing it onto the bed as he rubbed his body trying to rub the pain away.

Suddenly he heard a ping reminding him that he was still talking to the guy. He immediately got up and turned the volume off before sitting down and turning his monitor back on. He was surprised to see what was written by the other.

TheHULK143: I'm the guy who saved ur wimpy little ass. Who do u think I am? Rn't u suppose 2 b the smartest kid in the class, geez u rn't very smart out of the classroom r u??

Jaycee couldn't help but think this guy had and attitude problem. What was his problem anyway? He had just asked who he was. He frowned as he replied trying again with a different approach.

Geekboy23: What’s your name?

He sat there looking at the screen exceptingly as he waited for a reply. It didn't come and he suddenly added in an afterthought.

Geekboy23: Thank you for saving me. I appreciate it :)

He pressed the enter button sending the message to the other. He waited for a while again not receiving any message in reply. He frowned annoyed at such an abrupt leaving. The person didn't even tell him goodbye. He frowned again before turning off his computer and climbing onto his bed, hiding under the covers. He was so tired and sore he just wanted to sleep for days on end. He fell asleep soon thinking about how nice it would be not to worry about anything.

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