This Isn't A Game {Part I}

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Death...Is not a game.

Suicide....Is not a game.

Teasing...Is not a game.

Fighting...Is not a game.

Negativity...Is not a game.

Loving...Is not a game.

Pain...Is not a game.

Life...Is not a game.

Driving...Is not a game.

Doing Drugs...Is not a game.

Smoking...Is not a game.

Cutting...Is not a game.

Drinking...Is not a game.

No part of living life is a game.

All these things along with so many other things in life aren't games. They aren't things to simply be played with because you have the ability to do so; they all have the potential to end badly.

I write this in a time of need and understanding because my boyfriends best friend of 15 years was beaten half to death and ended up dying in surgery from internal bleeding. He was beaten to within an inch of his life because he was gay. And simply because the people around him didn't agree with this they took it upon themselves to attempt to beat it out of him with a metal pipe. This seemingly simple choice led to the death of another individual.

They played a game with life, and the person they played it with didn't end up living. My boyfriend also lost two cousins over the summer one due to a drunk driver and the other to suicide. The drunk driver wasn't in our power to change or control, but that driver took the chance to drive drunk and by doing so he killed a great guy. His cousin that comitted suicide wasn't straight as well and that on top of life drove him to take his life.

My boyfriend is one of the strongest people I know and I'm not saying that because of what he means to me. I'm saying this as a best friend and someone who cares. On top of being strong he'll never take credit for being where he is in life today....He'll say it's thanks to me and what I've done for him, but if only people could see what he's done for me in the short 10 months I've known him.

People take chances in life that they don't give a second thought to; whether that be giving a second thought to the things that could go wrong or the things that might come of what they're about to do. The consequences are always ignored until we're forced to face them. When the time comes for us to face the things that did go wrong and/or the consequences we didn't think about we ever have to face; solely because we didn't ever want to face them. 

Something to be learned from all of this is that you never know what will happen and you don't know when your last day on this earth will be.

{To Be Continued...}

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