First Time

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If there are any mistakes such as typos, please let me know! Thanks! <3


Vegeta sat on the edge of the bed fidgeting nervously. His stomach was trying to tie itself in knots, sweat trickled down his back while his mind ran in circles. It was a new sensation to him; one he didn't understand.


It made him nervous.

He heard the sound of running water in the bathroom and his mouth went dry. In just a few minutes that door would be open and 'she' would step out.

Oh shit.

Vegeta closes his eyes momentarily, the past few hours came back into his mind to taint him and he growled softly. The wedding ceremony had gone without a hitch; other than himself getting hitched. Kakarot had stood beside him grinning like a fool for the entire ceremony. Now, if Kakarot had been Bulma's father he could have understood the smiling face. After all, it isn't every day you managed to off a load a daughter and gain a Prince into the family.

The reception has gone well, although he thought the caterers would probably bankrupt after feeding the likes of Kakarot and his brood. He could swear that Saiyan was part vacuum. He didn't eat his food; he inhaled it. Fortunately for him the bridal party had been the first to approach the buffet and Vegeta has managed to beat him to the spread.

There were only empty platters left once Kakarot had paid a visit. The other one hundred guests weren't too impressed either. Once the catering manager had been revived, the caterers managed to rustle up enough food to feed the rest of the hungry wedding guests, although soup and sandwiches were definitely not what they had expected.

Once all the silly, human traditions such as cutting cake, (which Kakarot had been banned from), speech making, dancing, bouquet tossing and garter removal had been accomplished with only one casualty; and he hasn't been the one to knock Yamcha out cold, Bulma had done that herself with a lovely right hook he might add when Yamcha's removal of the garter had become a little more friendly than it should have; they bade their farewells.

Kakarot had given him a nudge to the ribs with his elbow and followed it up with a wink. When Vegeta protested, all he got was another wink and a 'Have a good time and don't wear her out' from the other Saiyan.

Now Vegeta had a pretty good idea of what Kakarot was referring to, contrary to belief he did know where offspring came from. Although he did have another problem and that was the reason for him sitting there, on the edge of the bed in his agitated state. All his life he'd done nothing but train, fight, kill and train some more. Always striving to be the best, honing his body, fine turning his skills, striving to become the ultimate warrior.

He had no time for the female of whatever species was around him, opting to train rather than frequent the pleasure houses or drinking holes on the many and varied planets he'd been a 'guest' of. And there in lay his problem.

He is a virgin.

And what was worse, he didn't have a clue about anything relating to sex.

Any minute now his new wife would come out of the bathroom, penalty wearing something flimsy and expect him to make wild, passionate love to her. The wild he knew he could do, no problem. He could turn Super Saiyan now at a moments notice. If wild was what she wanted, then wild he could give her.

First Time - Bulma X Vegeta Smut / LemonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang