Potions and Meetings

Start from the beginning

"Let me heal it, ok? I have been reading up on some Healer books, and I can fix the minor injuries." Draco offered, but Harry resisted.

"You're underage, which means the ministry can track you when you use spells outside of school and home. Your father is practically in the minister's back pocket, they will find you in a heart beat, and you'll be back home." Harry insisted, and Draco, begrudgingly, put his wand away and helped Harry put his clothes back on.

"Tell me where the safe house is, and I'll get the wards started. It should take me about 2-3 days to complete, so the sooner I start, the better." Draco was eager, for both himself, and for Harry.

Harry simply shook his head. "For me to tell you the address, you need to officially renounce your last name, and take your mother's maiden name. For this, we need to go to Gringotts."

Harry swiftly took his cloak off his broom, and draped it over Draco.

"Now follow closely behind, don't get lost. It is a bit disorienting being inside the cloak."

Draco simply grunted, and followed Harry out to door and through the crowds of people. Once at Gringotts, Draco revealed his head from the cloak to talk to the goblin.

"I need to see the one who manages the Malfoys estate and affairs, please." Draco said in hushed tones.

The goblin simply peered at the floating head of white hair and called for a short stocky goblin, named Borgin. Draco then put his hood back on and followed the goblin.

They arrived in a nice, large, room, with leather furniture, and an oak wood desk. The room was lit by various amounts of candle light, yet the room was still chilly. Draco then entirely removed the cloak, and folded it onto his lap. Draco started.

"Borgin, I asked to talk to you today because I want a certain job done for me, and I know you can do it discreetly without alerting anyone. I need you to first put all of the money I have in my account into a different account labeled 'Draco Black.' You will see why in a moment. But first, I ask of you to do this without alerting the Malfoys, and I need to make sure that no one other than me can access this new account. Can that be done?" Draco finished. And the goblin replied.

"You do know, Mr. Malfoy, that off-shore accounts are illegal." The goblin smiled.

Harry was very confused with this exchange but it would make sense soon.

Draco started, "Its not illegal if my name becomes Draco Black." He let that sink in before he continued.

"I need you to strip me of the Malfoy name entirely, and leave me my mother's maiden name, Black. I know that in the eyes of the goblin folk, that I still own that money, even though my parents can at any time take away what I own. That's why I need you to transfer all my money into a private account under my new name, Draco Black, and secure it. Now can you do that?"

The goblin's toothy grin grew at how educated the young boy was about goblin rules.

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy. All I need is a drop of your blood to confirm that you are Draco Malfoy, then another drop on you name in this family tree scroll, to signify your release from the name, Malfoy."

Harry was absolutely amazed at how formalized the meeting was, he had only been to Gringotts one time, and that was with Hagrid. But seeing the meeting really put the goblin race in perspective for Harry. When Harry was done spacing out over his memories or Gringotts, he realized that the two were shaking hands.

"Now that that is taken care of, Mr. Black, I need you to sign at the very bottom of the scroll, signifying your transaction of a total 743,843 galleons, 2sickles, and 2 knuts, to the new account of Draco Black." The goblin sneered.

Harry reeled back at the number. "You have that many galleons in your personal vault!" Harry exclaimed.

The goblin looked confused, "Mr. Potter, don't you know how much is in your vault. The potter vault is at least triple that amount, if not, more." Harry had a face of shock again.

"I knew I had a good amount, but I had no idea how much. Blimey." Harry relaxed completely in the chair.

Draco laughed at his response, "Harry, you are really cute when you're shocked." Draco threw out airily before stopping dead in his tracks. Quick to change the subject and leave his embarrassment, Draco stood up an bowed towards the goblin. This act seemed to stun him, before he too bowed towards Draco. Then Draco sanctified their allegiance by shaking his hand and saying,

"May your gold flow prosperously." and the goblin returned,

"And may your enemies die before you."

When they finished shaking hands, Draco talked again.

"Can you please give me and Harry a couple minutes? We need to discuss something that is a matter of emergency." The goblin simply nodded, and left the room.

Draco then turned to Harry, "Ok, now you can tell me, I'll do the oath." Draco said eagerly.

Harry moved towards the chairs, and positioned them so the both faced each other, then pulled them closer. He ushered Draco to sit in the chair.

When Harry sat down, he lifted his palm in the air.

"Repeat after me, 'I, Draco Black, being of magical entity, here by swear to never utter a word of the address of the Black Manor.' Make sure you palm is touching my palm when you say this."

Draco nodded hesitantly before complying to put his hand on Harry's.

"I, Draco Black, being of magical entity, here by swear to never utter a word of the address of the Black Manor." A soft yellow light emanated from their joined hands, before slowly dissipating.

"Now you are ready to hear the address." Harry smiled.

"The address is 12 Grimauld Place." They both stood up, and hugged each other. Draco whispered,

"Thank you so much Harry. Don't worry, I'll get you out when the wards are complete." He then took a bottle with a clear liquid inside. He drank the contents, before slowly disappearing. Only a couple steps could be heard, before the door swung open, then closed.

Harry sighed. He pulled on his invisibility cloak, and walked out of Gringotts. Once outside, he mounted his broom and flew home.

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