“Lord Cromwell,” Anne addressed the man before giving her full attention to Anine. “Is it okay if I could steal the Lady Anine from you? I have matters to discuss with the lady of Wales.”

    Lord Cromwell nodded and bowed deeply to the future queen as she curtseyed back and headed out of the privy door followed by Anine.

“You needn’t walk behind me Anine,” Anne said with a sweet laugh.

    The two woman had hurried along the run-down corridors to find the exit to the royal gardens. As they passed the palace guards, Anne paused and pointed towards the forest path. Anine nodded and followed her future queen silently. As they continued their way. Anine chanced to speak without being spoken to first.

“Your majesty…” She found it accustom to call Anne that even if she did not hold the title of Queen yet.

“You need not call me such a formal title,” Anne said. “I do not possess the title of majesty. But I ramble on so. What is it that you need, nin?” She asked gently calling Anine a friendly nickname.

“How did you come to have such a great love from the King of England?” The question came out clumsy, but she could find no other way to say it. “He seems to devote all of his affection upon you… and only upon you.”

“That is even a question that God himself would like answered. I suppose that it is because I am myself. Except that I must say he was not my first love,” she said.

“Then why choose the King if you were in love with another man before you were in love with him first?” She asked. “It seems that you are a woman that would defy even god himself to have a marriage based in love.” She’d begun and was now bound to finish. “Did this other man die?”

    Anne Stopped and stayed Anine with a hand on her arm. She turned Anine to her and Anine was struck against how beautiful Anne was.

“I am Anne Boleyn; to be controlled is only but my sad destiny.”

“Controlled by whom?”

“My father. He is conniving and manipulative as a viper amongst babes. Never once has he cared what me or my sister ever wanted with our own lives and with our own bodies. My sister Mary was forced to become King Francois’ mistress while we stayed in the French court and then again a mistress to Henry when she returned here. And only all for my father’s benefit.”

“Were you forced into this?” Anine asked.

“At first they, my father and my uncle, had tried to force me into sleeping with the King so their continued fortune could keep coming. But I refused to relinquish my maiden head to anyone but the man I was to marry. This surprised Henry so much that at first I though I had turned him off from me. This only frightened me for the beating I might have gotten from my father, not from the loss of the King’s unmoral intentions. After learning more of Henry I fell for him, not as thoroughly as I had for the first man, but I do love him.”

    Anne chuckled, “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course,” she could hardly breathe. This great lady was talking Anine into confidence.

“When I had first met Henry I thought him to be an arrogant King, much like King Francois. He throws terrible tantrums like a spoiled child, but is intelligent beyond any man I have known. That Wolsey is a menace and to the way this kingdom is being run. He dumbs down the King and tries to rid me from this court. He has already banished my lord Percy and threatens me behind Henry’s back. But for all my pleads Henry still adores that fat pig.”

    Anine expelled a long breath. “How does this man of the clothe threaten you?”

“He tells me that I will break before the king can even get his other marriage annulled. He says that I will bed him before that and be tossed aside like many of the other mistresses. He tells me that I will soon become another of Henry’s whores tossed aside and forgotten.” Anne frowned. “He thinks me silly still.”

“Vile creature.”

“Yes he is, but he will fail. Henry has chosen me to wed and he will do anything and kill anyone who tries to stop him so he can have me as his queen.” The women had reentered the palace and were closing in on Anne’s living chambers.

“Is your mother, Maraush, as independent as you are?” Anne asked as the continued down the hall.

“I fear to say that she is even worse and she shows it more cunningly that I,” Anine said surprised at the question. “I honestly do not know why she has come here.

“For reasons we will all be confused by,” Anne put a gentle hand on Anine’s shoulder. “Go on. You must come back later and play cards with me. I have missed playing cards with others.”

    How Anne could stay so cheerful, knowing she had many enemies and very fey true friends, Anine couldn’t fathom. And even if it had not been so, the woman would have been forbidden all but the most natural of happiness.

    Anine curtseyed and kissed the future queen’s hand.

“Sweet Nin,” Anne whispered. “You are a blessing to me in this never-ending thunderstorm.”

    Her words brought instant tears to anine’s eyes. In all of her long life she had never heard such heartfelt words from even her own mother. Swearing a silent vow of loyalty to Anne, who was still a young girl herself.

The Seventh Queen (On Hold: Revising)Where stories live. Discover now