Chapter 4

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''Ambrose don't tell me you got yourself a girlfriend already.'' Colby walks over, having thrown his bag over his shoulder.

''Hell yeah.'' I pull Zepphyre close by her waist, Leati huffs and folds his arms watching us with a jealous look.

''Ew no, you're a sweet guy, Ambrose but no. You're not my type.'' Zepphyre taps my shoulder after she released herself from my waist. ''What do you mean, 'I'm not your type'?'' I pout and she glances over at Leati, he inhales slightly and relaxes his folded arms, he looks slightly questioning at us but his facial expression soon goes back to a neutral look.

''Then who is your type? Me or Le?'' Colby looks at her as he stands next to her, Leati watching while I watch too. ''I won't say, I don't want jealous face, jealous actions and jealous hearts. I think it's best for me to stay alone, stay single.'' she smiles sweetly at Colby before heading to the canteen she runs her hand down Leati's arm quickly.

''Look like she already chose.'' I poke Colby and he rolls his eyes as he scoffs.

''C'mon lads, lets go get some food before we head to the gym.'' Leati nods at the direction Zepphyre is walking and we all nod, following while we watch Zepphyre walk to the canteen.

Pov Zepphyre

I bite my lip slightly, knowing that I already chose who I like most. I said I won't tell because I don't want jealous faces and jealous hearts, but.. It's hard to explain. Even though I don't want to choose I already did. Why can life be so frustrating sometimes?!

A hand on my back snaps me out of my thoughts and I smile when I look up, it's Celeste Calaway, we're very good friends and she's the daughter of The Undertaker, also known as Mark Calaway. That's his real name. She's also a WWE freak, she adores The Shield just like me. "Hey girl!" "Celeste!! It's been too long oh my god! I'm so jealous you can go to WWE stage whenever you like.." I pout at her and she giggles, she holds out a picture of me and her father with his signature.

I squeal of excitement "FOR REAL?!" I hug her tightly while I hold the picture and she hugs me tightly back. "Yes for real, you know how easy it is. Come on he's my father. You know he likes you. Perhaps he can arrange a backstage ticket with a meet and greet with a couple of WWE Superstars." "That'd be absolutely amazing!" "I think I can arrange it for Summerslam, since Leati, Jonathan and Colby are in school till Summerslam."

"How do you literally know everything? Doesn't matter. Le, Jon and Colby invited me to go to the gym since they think I've got potential for wrestling. You coming along?" "Heck yeah!" "Deall!!" We continue walking to the canteen while we catch up about stuff n things. Like hot boys, WWE and all kinds of girl stuff like that.

"I'm too lazy to wait in line, I'll just buy some sandwiches from the food machine." Celeste nods and follows me to the food machine, I throw some money in it and I pay for four sandwiches, two for me two for Celeste. She smiles at me, Le, Jon and Colby are  already waiting at the door post leading to the canteen. We walk over.

"Ready to go?" Leati looks at me.

"Ready to kick some ass." Jon smirks when I talk and we all head to the gym while Celeste and I munch on our sandwich.


Celeste is making one big fuss about changing with the guys. They only see you on your bra and panties.. Okay.. Now I think about it it's pretty bad but come on. If you train in just a sports bra and training shorts it's basically the same. "I'm not going to change with them!"

"Aight. Go get changed in the rest room then I'm not making a big fuss." She huffs. "I swear if any of you touch her you're dead." She points her little finger at each of the trio and she skips to the restroom and gets changed.

THE guy and THE girl | Roman Reigns fanfic | #JustWriteIt [on hold]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu