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'Afternoon, sleepy head.'

'Mnugh,' Naomi groaned and rolled over.

'I've already let you sleep in, I think you'd better get up.'

'What time is it?' Naomi opened her eyes, squinting at the light.

'4 in the afternoon,' Naomi's mum placed her cool hand on Naomi's forehead. 'Quite a Headache, huh?'

'Yeah, I'm fine now though,' Naomi smiled at her mum, she felt as though she barely saw her any more. 'I love you, Mum.'

'What's not to love?' Her mum laughed. 'I love you too sweetheart.'

Naomi leaned on her mum's shoulder, breathing in her perfume.

'I'm seeing Tim again tonight, but I didn't know if you'd be up for babysitting so my new colleague's daughter is going to come babysit for Harry.'

'Um, okay. What time?' Naomi swung her legs over the edge of her bed and reached for her slippers.


'Okay,' Naomi pulled her slippers on and looked up at her mum. Her stomach growled. 'Uh, I'm kinda hungry...'

'I'll make you whatever you want.'

A/N hey! Okay I'm trash and I haven't had much inspiration but the next chapter will be exciting I promise

The U.K. voted to leave the EU cos they're knobs and I'm pissed off but I'm more pissed off about the fact that the majority or Brexit voters were over 65 and will be dead when we're all dealing with the catastrophic effects. So ya. There's a petition to lower the voting age in referendums to 14 you should all sign it I'll leave it in the comments bye

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