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I was surprised to find a sleeping Joji softly snoring next to me. My forehead pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist. It was perfect.

But I had to pee.

I very carefully pulled jojis arm from my waist, and lightly placed it on the bed.

Max was already awake and in the kitchen. I talked out of the bathroom and he grinned at me.

"Nothing happened last night, dipshit."I said, getting milk out of the fridge.

"Did I imply anything happened last night?" I shook my head.

No, you didn't, but I'm pretty sure I "implied" Ian shouldn't have had that last drink last night, knowing he'd feel like shit in the morning." I raised an eyebrow at the hungover Ian on the couch.

He flashed a finger in my direction.

About an hour later, a very sleepy looking Joji emerged from my room.

"I need caffeine."

I let out a short laugh and gestured to the black mug at the end of the counter.

"Can we all just take a day off, and not go anywhere? I've got a raging headache and I have some editing I want to get done, and I really, really don't want to put on pants." I suggested, looking down at my boxers, that I had probably stolen from Max a long ass time ago, and oversized Pink Guy shirt.

"Can't, the girl I met yesterday's gonna be here." Joji said, and my expression fell.

I guess Max saw my expression change because he pulled me into the hallway. "We can go out and get lunch or something while she's here." 

"Yeah, y-yeah, that sounds good." I hadn't realized I'd been crying until i felt Max wrap his arms around my shoulders. 


She got here at 1:12. We left at 1:17

I can understand why Joji picked her. She was busty, with bottle blonde hair. From what I could see, she was skinny. Very skinny. Something I was not. 

She was beautiful from every angle. She was everything a girl wanted to be, and everything a boy wanted to have.

I was nothing compared to her

And I am fully aware of it.

I don't have perfect sun kissed skin. I have bags under my eyes from all the nights I had spent skyping Joji. 

Joji. He deserves the best. And I am not even close to the best. He deserves her. Joji picked her for a reason.

How did I even think I had a chance Silly me.

i saw galaxies in your eyes ; jojiWhere stories live. Discover now