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The room was furnished in black and red. The couches were made of black leather; there was a red rug, a black coffee table and the walls were painted red. There was a huge plasma screen along with a home heather system and a shelves at each sides of the television holding DVDs.

"I'm guessing you're a TV kind of guy." I said as I noticed the speakers around the room. He was picking out a movie at the other side of the room. Of course I was not going to let him put in a stupid movie so I strolled over to where him and tried to look over his shoulder but due to my height defect that was a total failure.

"Let me see." I whined behind him. I quickly closed my mouth hoping he hadn't heard the childish voice that happen to appear whenever I can't get something I want. However, since my luck had run off, he happened to notice. He raised an eyebrow at me over his shoulder before he turned slightly. I looked at the space between him and the shelve. I did not intend to get myself in another sticky situation if I hopped to leave the same day.

I shook my head. "Never mind just don't put a horror movie or a chick flick." He gave me a smirk (with amount of times he does that you would think I'm an amusing child or monkey at the zoo.) and shook his head.

"What if I put something you've watched or something you might hate. I think it's better for us to choose together?" he said and before I could object, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the dreaded space.

My body was stiff as he placed his head beside mine and put his hands on my waist. I could feel his breath against my neck and I was inwardly cursing myself for putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Come on, pick a movie. I promise not to bite." He whispered softly in my ear. I gulped before nodding then stopped myself because I was acting like a stupid teenage alone with a boy for the first time. I was going to play it cool and not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he affected me.

"How about Transporter 2?" I asked looking through the stack of DVDs.

"I already watched that twice." He said and I had to raise an eyebrow at that. How could he have time to watch movies when I didn't have time to watch the news?

"Okay, how about Transformers 2?" he made a noise of disapproval so I went on.

"Fast and the Furious 2?" he said no and I groaned. I hadn't watched it yet, no matter how old it was. I felt his breath against my neck when he sighed and placed a small kiss at the base of my neck.

"We'll watch that one but next time I'll not agree so easily." He said as he moved away. I held back a squeal of delight as I put it in the player then I groaned, inwardly, as I realized I had to sit beside him on the couch.

I grabbed the popcorn that must have been brought in when we were still looking at the movies and sat at the other end of the couch, away from him. He raised an eyebrow at my actions but I ignored him as I focused on the movie and he left me alone.

Halfway through the movie, the popcorn was gone and I was snuggled up against his side. Surprisingly I was comfortable and he wasn't complaining either although he had looked quite peaceful.

"Nikolas?" my voice was soft as my focus was on the movie.

"You should call me Konsantinos, Nikolas sounds so formal." He said and I turned my head to look at him but he wasn't watching me so I turned back to the movie.

"I can't even pronounce it. Don't you have any normal names?" I asked. I didn't hear it but I felt his sigh as his chest moved beside my head.

"The English version is Konstantin."

"Fine, Konstantin, the popcorn is finished." I had a feeling he was smirking.

"That's because you finished it all." He said. I sat up and glared at him.

AND SO THE LION FELL IN LOVE WITH THE LAMB (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now