"Daddy!" said the little boy, raising his hands up.

"Hey there," replied the famous superhero before scooping him up into his arms.

Dick approached the couple, followed by Wally, Bart, Tim, Jason and Roy. Rolling my eyes, I decided to join them. "Hey Iris. It's good to see you," Dick greeted, pecking the older woman on the cheek.

"It's nice to see you too, Dick," she replied, before turning to Wally. "Let's go talk," she said to the red haired boy who looked a lot like her.

"She's Wally's older sister," Jason whispered to me, taking me by surprise.

I frowned at him. "I wasn't asking."

He smirked at me. "You didn't need to. I saw that calculating look on your face."

"I think this is the first time I've seen the twins since their first birthday party," Dick said, distracting me before I could reply to Jason. Ah yes. We were all there for the birthday of the twins. Henry Joseph Allen and Dawn Allen. They had their father's blonde hair and their mother's flashing green eyes.

"I think they're happy to be out in public, too," Barry replied, right before Dawn started wailing.

Dick immediately took the little girl out of the stroller and began bouncing her up and down. "Don't cry," he cooed at the little girl, who immediately calmed down. "I think she's jealous that Henry is getting all the attention."

Jason chuckled. "Oh if only Asteria could see you right now, bro. She'd probably have a stroke."

"Why would I have a stroke?" came a very familiar voice from the doorway. My sister stood there, looking lovely in a pale, green dress. Her long, red hair was artfully braided and her face was clean and fresh, without any make up on. "Oh," she said when she caught a glimpse of Dick, the baby in his arms.

"Hey, sweetheart," Dick greeted her, making me want to puke.

Asteria continued to stare at him with the baby, and she looked like she was going to cry or something. Pregnant women, I thought, glancing towards the heavens. Vaguely, I wondered how many people my mother murdered when she was pregnant with me. If she was as bad as Asteria. But then, I recalled I grew up in an artificial womb, so that probably didn't count.

"Ah Asteria," Dick repeated worriedly.

Finally, she shook her head and entered the room. "Sorry. Bruce was looking for Barry," she explained. "I came here to tell him."

"Right," Barry said and handed Henry to a shocked looking Tim. The baby squealed in delight when Barry zoomed off at super speed, leaving a strong gust of wind in his wake.

"I hate it when he does that," Iris said, approaching us. Wally was right behind her, looking a whole lot calmer, too. "How's Artemis?" She directed the question to Asteria.

My sister chuckled, obviously recalling something funny. "Getting her make up done, although it might take a while considering she can't sit still. She's pretty nervous."

At that, most of the guys turned to Wally. We were all thinking the same thing. You should see Wally.

"How about you?" Dick whispered to her, while Iris took Henry from Tim, who looked relieved to not be carrying a two year old baby.

"I'm fine," Asteria replied, looking into Grayson's eyes lovingly. Cue gag reflex. "Dawn seems to like you."

Dick smirked at her, before turning to the baby who had undone his bow tie. They were both smiling at the little girl fondly, and I could almost imagine them as the parents. It would probably be like that when Asteria finally gave birth. "What can I say? I'm irresistible."

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