"Asteria is right, Father," Damian piped up from beside me, taking me by surprise. Out of everyone, Damian didn't seem to like Jason that much. To hear him agreeing with Asteria... "Remember when I first came to you? I was the same, but you helped me change. Jason just needs time as well." I wasn't sure if Damian was aware that he called Jason by his first name, but it made me smile. Maybe there is hope for them, after all.

Asteria also gave me a small smile, when she saw my expression. "Just talk to Jason when he wakes up. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to make. He may have killed other people before, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care when he pulls the trigger. It never gets easier. Trust me. He'll need your support and understanding."

I stared at Asteria, processing her words. Once again, she had a point. Dick would be just fine with her, and I was happy they found each other. I'm sure their baby would want for nothing. They would make wonderful parents.

"Bruce," someone called me, making me turn away from Asteria. Diana approached us, carrying a mug of coffee. She gave me a small smile. "I thought you might need this. I ran into Cassie and Tim in the cafeteria."

"I'll let you two talk," Asteria said with one last smile, before joining Wally and Artemis.

I smiled as I watched her leave before turning back to Diana. She was watching me with her cool, blue eyes, a curious expression on her face. "Thank you," I told her as I finally took the mug.

"You're welcome," she replied, still watching me curiously as I took a sip. "You like her."

"Asteria? She's a very perceptive and wise young woman," I told Diana. "But you don't seem to share that opinion."

Diana raised a challenging eyebrow at me before smiling. "I didn't before. It's difficult for me to trust her, considering her background and where she came from. But I heard what she said to you. You're right. She is very wise. Athena has obviously blessed her."

I shrugged at Diana. "Some of us have dark backgrounds, too, Diana. Jason, for one. If I hadn't found him, he could've grown up to be like his father. Damian was the same. He also grew up in the League. Connor was an experiment until the kids saved him. Roy was on the path to self- destruction when Oliver found him. Artemis was raised by two renowned criminals. Even Jade was on the wrong side of the battle once. But we helped them. I think it's only fair we give Asteria the same chance."

"You're right," Diana agreed. "I should apologize to her."

"Later," I said when she turned to leave. She faced me again, waiting for me to continue. I don't know what possessed me. Maybe it was the exhaustion and all the worry. Whatever it was, I found myself saying," don't go. Just stay here. With me."

Diana looked surprise, since I never said such things to her before. But then her surprised expression turned into a breathtaking smile. "Of course, Bruce. I'll stay as long as you need me."


I woke up to a lot of beeping noises and something stuck in my nose.

I groaned, though it wasn't due to the pain. In fact, I couldn't feel anything from my limbs. It was almost like I was paralyzed. All I could feel was the bubbling irritation inside of me. "Am I dead?" I asked, my voice hoarse. I finally pried my eyes open, even though my eyelids still felt heavy.

"What do you think?" came a very familiar female voice, and I glanced beside me to see Asteria seated there and reading a book. She wore an amused expression, but there was also relief in her grey eyes.

"Oh, it's you," I replied, but I was also grinning. "I was expecting someone else."

Asteria closed her book and placed it on the bedside table, then she stood up and stretched. "Disappointed?" she asked. "I need to help you sit up. You need some water."

Wearing the Red HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora