"Jason," I heard Dick say my name. My attention swiveled back to him, and through the hazy thoughts in my mind and the pain in my body, I realized he used my real name.

"Does no one understand the concept of a freaking secret identity anymore?" I croaked before coughing up some blood. Damn that hurt. Maybe I should learn to shut up now.

I could see Dick tense, but with his amazing self- control, he managed not to do anything stupid. Yet. "You better not try to double cross us this time. You remember what happened last time, don't you?" Shiva told Dick, pushing the knife harder against my throat. I tried not to swallow as I felt the cool kiss of the blade against my skin.

How long is this going to take? Seriously?

I was feeling sleepy again, and a nice bed would've been nice. Finally, Dick uncuffed the Al Ghul siblings. I wanted to shout. What were they thinking? I would rather die than have those two released. Talia looked like her triumphant self as she rubbed her wrists and began walking towards our end of the dock. She glanced down at me and smirked. "Jason," she greeted coolly. I simply glared at her.

Turning to Shiva, she waved a dismissive hand. "Release him."

"Yes mistress," she said with a bow and did as she was told.

"Shrike, be a dear and help him get back to his brother," Talia commanded. Man, she was a natural at giving orders. She must enjoy pushing people around.

Shrike also bowed and did as he was told. He roughly grabbed me by the arms and pushed me in the general direction of Dick, while Dusan made his way towards his sister. The sun was boring down on us, and for the first time, I wondered where we were. There was sand all around and the waves rolled in the distance.

I collapsed when I was close enough to Dick, and he caught me in his arms before I could fall. "This never happened," I told him in a whisper. God, the embarrassment! Having my older brother rescue my sorry ass! They couldn't send Kori or Roy? No. It had to be Dick.

Dick smiled for the first time since the exchange with Shiva started, and I could tell he was relieved to have me back. "Whatever you say, Jason."

"Isn't this a heartwarming scene?" Shrike spoke aloud. While Dick and I had been talking, he had made his way back towards his masters. The four of them stood across from us. Talia, Dusan, Shiva and Shrike- with a hundred Shadows behind them.

"Help me up," I told Dick as dread unfurled in my stomach. Or maybe that was all the blood. Who knew?

Dick supported most of my weight as I clutched at my bleeding wounds, not that it really helped. At least someone had thought to wrap them up in feeble bandages. "Too bad we have to kill you now," Shrike added, not sounding sorry at all.

As if they were given a silent command, the Shadows brought out their guns and pointed it right at us. "Dick, I never told you this," I began and turned to my older brother. He glanced at me, his expression curious. "I always thought you were an arrogant son of a bitch."

Dick snorted at my statement. "And?" he asked, prodding me.

"And you still are. But it's more tolerable now," I finished.

I could tell Dick was rolling his eyes at me, even though his domino mask hid it. "I'm flattered Jason."

I grinned, though it probably looked more like a grimace, considering our situation. "I just thought I should tell you, since we might die in a few seconds."

"Oh, we're not dying," Dick said and turned back towards our enemies.

"Arrogant asshole," I sang.

Wearing the Red HoodWhere stories live. Discover now