4. She(2)

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I threw myself on the bed and sighed heavily. What the hell is going into my life? I thought. I cuddled into my blanket and sighed deeply. It was 12:00 at night and I came from the hospital at midnight. It was a big thing. I was very hungry and my stomach was groaning but my legs wasn't supporting me to stand up and go to the kitchen to make food. I was a lazy woman and I admitted it. I took a deep breath under the warm blanket and closed my eyes. I was very tired. I had done an extra duty in hospital. My parents died when I was fourteen. After then, my auntie brought me up. She, my aunty Rosie, was young at that time and also she was unmarried. She was nice, beautiful and caring. She worked in a restaurant as waitress. After my graduation, she got married and I moved to New York for further education. After completing medical, I went to Rose Mary hospital. I had been a silent, decent and sensitive girl since the start. I had a great affection with my patients and I couldn't see them in pain. Harry was in the most critical condition I had ever seen any of my patient in my life. I wanted to help him just like I wanted for other patients. I was a junior doctor and I had never seen any patient in that condition in my whole carrier which consisted of four years. His story was interesting and terrible. I wanted to know about him and his imaginary character she but sometimes, I started thinking that she character wasn't imaginary. It was real. Especially, when I saw him that terrible condition on that day, I started believing him or at least, I wanted to know about she. In his message, he warned me that she is coming for me. At first, I got frightened but then I thought that she was imaginary and she died with Harry or maybe she didn't. I was busy in my useless thoughts when I fell asleep.

"Daddy! Daddy! Please don't leave me! Daddy please." The girl in pink shirt and blue trousers screamed." Daddy! Don't leave me alone, please." She yelled again but the large man with freckled skin and bulging black eyes had closed the door. He had cruel expressions on his face and a evil smile was playing across his lips. I was standing in the middle of them but it seemed that they didn't notice me.

"Daddy please open the door. Don't lock me." She yelled again.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" His father yelled from downstairs and increased the TV volume. I was surprised.

Where I was?

I looked at the door and tried to open the lock but it was stuck in place.

"Are you okey?" I asked but no one responded.

I tried harder this time and suddenly the door opened with a cracking sound.

"Thanks God!" I mumbled and looked inside but nobody was there. It made me surprised.

Where is the girl? I thought and took few more steps in the room. Suddenly, someone shook me by placing her hands on my shoulder. I turned back and saw the girl whom I saw before but now she had hollow eyes and a creepy smile. I screamed loudly.

"I'm coming for you!" She said with a evil smile and smirked.


I woke up with screaming loudly on my bed. It was a vexing dream. I wanted to relax myself. I had seen a terrible dream. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself. I moved my glaze towards the clock. It was 1 o'clock at night. The time when Harry was died.

I moved my hand towards my side table and grabbed the glass of water from there. I drank it badly as I was very thirsty and very Hungary too. I made my way towards the kitchen and opened the door of my fridge. I took two eggs from the fridge and after fifteen minutes, I was eating bread with two half fry eggs. It was not a dinner type food for me but at least it stopped my stomach from groaning.

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