2. Daddy

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"Doctor, do you think that she'll be okay?" I heard my mother's worried voice.

"Yes, Miss Hadley, she'll be okay. You don't need to worry. Your daughter had been surfing from a disease but now she is fine." Then, I heard Dr. Nicholson's cheerful and assuring voice." I have written all the medicines. Please make her take them on time." His voice came again.

"I'm always worried about her." My mom said.

"No, no, there is no need to worry about her now. She's completely fine." I heard his reply. From his voice, I came to know that he would be smiling. He used to smiled when he wanted to assure someone from the danger he didn't want the person to see.

I sighed.

Am I really normal now?  Or is it just a recurring dream again.

At that time, I was standing beside the door and my ears were placed on the door to hear the interesting conversation of my mother with the doctor... about me. I had been in the mental hospital for three months, and now I was going home: Sweet home.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps which gestured that my mother was coming out of the room with the doctor. The door opened. I quickly sat on one the chairs beside it, in the waiting hall, not waiting them to know that I've been eavesdropping.

My mom sat next to me on one of the chairs, and placed her warm hand on my shoulder. I shuddered.

"It's going to be okay, Lydia." She said in sweet voice. I nodded silently and looked at the white floor of hospital. Two heavy white boots stopped in front of me.

"Lydia, I'm glad that finally you're..." he kept on saying, but I wasn't listening to him. I was in my own world. I had been going home after three months and it was a big thing for me. I was happy and frightened too.

What if, he followed me again? That was all  playing on my mind again and again like a lost game, What if he followed again? But Dr. Nicholson said that he wouldn't and I had to trust him because he said that I should.

But how could I trust him when I still feel 'him' lurking around in my dream?

I sighed again.

"... and don't forget to take your medicine." It brought me out from my thoughts. I looked up, at him, the man in white apron, smiling. I nodded and crossed my arms around my chest nervously. My mother warmly smiled at me. I gave her a small smile in return.

"If you need any help, I'm always there."

I wearily smiled and said "thanks".

"Come sweetie." My mother said and grabbed me by placing her arm around my shoulders. I stood up, and gave Dr. Nicholson a small smile, and went to the front door with my mother.

When I stepped out from the hospital, I took a deep breath. The cool breeze was hitting my face and causing pleasant feeling in me and also a pleasant expression on my brain.

I had been locked in that creepy place for three months, and now, I was breathing in fresh air. I wanted to enjoy this. I wanted to live in this. The sky was filled with heavy clouds which were ready to weep in a minute or so. Maybe they were also feeling my grief and they wanted to assuage me. It was my silly thought, I know. I had spent these days in doing stupid activities and thinking silly things. Weirdly dark things. People would call me a weirdo, I know well.


I was looking outside from the window of my room. It had been raining since two days. The drops of rain were sliding on the glass of window. I was observing one of its movements silently. It reminded me of the day when daddy and me were sitting in the car and laughing badly. We were discussing about the water balloon prank which we would be throwing on my mother. I was laughing badly when father was telling me how he met my mother and how crazy my mother was in her youth. Suddenly, a truck from the front appeared. It's movements were strange. I shook my father's coat which he was wearing, from the arm, from my hand, and shouted, "DAD LOOK!!". When finally noticed it, it was too late. The truck was nearly colliding to us. My father took a sharp turn. The car lost its balance and twisted over.  And then... there was my scream and blood. The last thing, I could remember was my father gasping and muttering my name and then I passed out. I couldn't see him... I couldn't.

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