𝟎𝟖. 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

Start from the beginning

She nodded and left again, making sure to close the door behind her so nobody would listen in on my conversation with Peter; by that I mean, so they didn't hear me share some of my most deepest secrets with a man whom I knew listened but couldn't reply.

As I was about to speak again, my phone buzzed from my bag. I reached over and pulled it out, checking the message.

I know you're mad at me, but Scott and I need u to meet us @ at the school now! It's about the driver! - Stiles

I was still mad at Stiles for what he'd said. I was probably overreacting, but I'd liked him for so long and I just felt like I had been dumped or rejected in the worst possible way ever. Scott needed me and I'd never let Scott down just because I was mad at Stiles.

I glanced up at Peter. "I have to go, Peter. I'm so sorry but it has something to do with my brother and it sounds extremely important, so I have to leave." I picked up my things and stood up. "But I promise, I'll be back soon and I will make sure that I have time to visit you more, because I feel kinda guilty for not visiting." I patted his hand and pecked his cheek, on the side of his face that wasn't burnt, before I left the room, hurrying down the hallway, waving to Jennifer who was typing on her computer.

I truly hoped Scott and Stiles knew what they were doing and that we weren't doing anything illegal.


Guess I was wrong... Why doesn't that surprise me?

I opened the door to Stiles' Jeep and jumped in, just trying to ignore him as much as I could, but I wanted to know why the hell Scott was walking towards the school bus while Stiles was sitting in his Jeep all alone. "Why are we here?"

"Scott went to Derek's house and apparently, he told him to come here again and try to use his 'wolf senses' to remember what really happened that night." Stiles answered me, his gaze locked on me.

I nodded lightly and ran a hand through my straight black hair, looking out of the window. A few minutes of silence passed before I sighed. "What?! Can you stop staring at me?"

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier today, Yasmine. I think you're very beautiful and it was stupid of me to say that." Stiles spoke rapidly. "Please forgive me, because I can't stand when you don't talk to me."

I huffed and tried to stay mad at him, but as always, a small grin broke out on my face as I turned to face him. "It's okay. You know I can't stay mad at you for long."

Stiles grinned his goofy grin, but suddenly, his expression changed to a panicked one and he began stomping his hand onto the car-horn as the light from a security guard's flashlight shined in Scott's direction.

I sighed stressed and nervously waited for my brother. "If we get caught, I'm so gonna whoop your asses!" I threatened Stiles as Scott came running towards us. He jumped over a car and managed to perfectly jump over the fence. I jumped into the backseat just as Scott jumped into the front seat, where I'd been sitting just moments ago, and we backed away.

"Did it work?! Did you remember?!" Stiles asked Scott as he drove furiously.

"Yeah, I was there last night." Scott recalled. "The blood; none of it was mine."

My eyes widened in fear. "So you did attack him?"

"No! I-I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but there weren't mine. It was Derek."

I sighed in relief and ran a hand through my hair, just trying to steady my heartbeat. "What about the driver?"

"I think I was actually trying to protect him."

"Wait, what?! Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Stiles questioned my brother confused.

Scott seemed so utterly confused himself. "T-that's what I don't get!"

"Maybe it's a pack thing." Stiles suggested, catching my attention.

I raised an eyebrow at the handsome boy. "What do you mean?"

"Like an initiation ritual," Stiles suggested. "You do the kill together."

"Because ripping someone's throat out is real bonding experience." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Yeah, but Scott didn't do it! Which means, you're not a killer! And it also means that-"

"-That I can go out with Allison." Scott finished his best friend's sentence with a dreamy look on his face.

Stiles shrugged in an annoyed manner. "I was say; it means you won't kill me and Yasmine."

"Oh, yeah." Scott nodded. "That too."

I rolled my eyes and smacked the back of his head from behind. "Bitch."


I plopped down on my bed and immediately, I dozed off, still in my jeans and shirt.

"No, that's not how you wear it." I giggled and corrected my beanie on Jackson's head that he'd pulled down over his eyes. "Stop that."

Jackson grinned and pulled it off. "Okay, whatever you say." He said and pulled the beanie over my head, moving my hair out of my eyes.

The door opened and in walked Danny with Chinese food, a grin on his face. "Stop being so cute!" He moaned annoyed and plopped down in the chair.

Jackson rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't be jealous, Danny. She's mine."

I plopped down next to Danny and stole the spring rolls from the white bag, grinning. "It could be hella funny to hook Danny up with someone." I told Jackson and threw the beanie at him. "It's getting depressing having him here."

Danny messed up my hair. "I hate you."

"No, you love me!" I sang happily and messed up his dark hair. "You love me more than you love Jackson."

Jackson shrugged off his shirt and jumped onto his bed. "If your lame brother wasn't home all the time, we could be there."

I threw my beanie at him. "Please don't talk about Scott like that, Jackson. I know you two don't get along, but I don't want you to be talking about him like that." He rolled his eyes, but said nothing back and just leaned back on his bed.


Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated this story in a while and I'm sorry, so I just finished this chapter and I'm posting it now so you can read it. Thanks for being patient❤️ also, if there's any mistake in the dialogs from the actual episode, I'm sorry. I'm in England currently and it's 12 AM here, so I'm pretty tired and I literally just finished writing this chapter so that I could be able to get back to updating and writing for this story💘 thanks!

Oh, and I know Kylie Jenner is still listed as Yasmine's face claim, but that's only because I don't have my laptop to change it and I can't change it on my phone. Selena Gomez is Yasmine fc❤️


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