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I don't know how long we stood like that, but when I looked back, Jefferson was gone. I didn't much care though. I hated him. But not as much as I had earlier. I mean, he had given me his coat when I was cold, and he seemed nice enough when I didn't provoke him. But all the same, I didn't want to be on this ship. I would rather be anywhere else. I looked out at the water. I knew it was stupid, but I would rather be dead.

I took off Jefferson's coat and placed it on the deck. I didn't want to get it wet when he had been kind enough to give it to me. I jumped up on the railing, grabbing a rope for support. I looked down. The water was pitch black. I couldn't see what was down there, but I didn't have to. Anything was better than this. Just when I was about to jump, two strong hands grabbed me and dragged me backward. I was pushed down onto the deck and turned over just in time to see a glint of metal and feel the sharp point of a sword against my neck. Jefferson looked down at me.

"That was stupid," He said, his voice low. "You could have died pulling that stunt."
"Yeah, that was kinda the point," I replied, my voice shaking. I tried to get up, but he pushed me back down, his sword pressing against my neck. I could feel blood trickling down my throat.
"Will! Sam!" He called. Two men appeared, the same ones as before. To my knowledge, there were only three of them, which was strange. I didn't know how big pirate crews usually were. I hadn't even known there were still pirates at all. But I was pretty sure there were usually more than three.
"Yes, Captain?" The shorter man asked.
"Tie her up and take her back to her room. I don't want to take any more chances," Jefferson replied. The two men came over to me and pulled me up as Jefferson put away his sword. They started to tie my wrists behind my back. I struggled, but they were much stronger than me. Jefferson walked over to me and reached for my neck where he had cut me.
"Don't," I said, pulling away. I wanted as much space between us as possible. He backed off, reaching up and fiddling with his earring. Soon, we were on our way back down to the room I was in before. Jefferson had walked away, not once looking back. Will and Sam shoved me into the room and locked the door once again. I laid down on the bed, letting silent tears run down my face. I was never going to get out of this.

I was awoken by the telltale click of the door being unlocked. I bolted out of bed just as someone came through the door. Jefferson. My heart started beating faster. As he came closer, I backed away. When my back hit the wall, I pressed into it, wishing I could just disappear.
"You know, that was a really dumb thing you did back there, Princess," He said, coming closer. He stopped only when he could come no further without touching me. I was scared. "Why'd you do it?" I tried to escape by going around him, but he slammed his palms into the wall on either side of me, trapping me. "Answer me," He said, his voice low.
"I wanted to be anywhere else but here," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. He looked at me, his eyes showing the slightest bit of sympathy, then nodded.
"That's understandable," He replied. "If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't want to be here either."
"Why did you take me?" I asked. He looked down, fiddling with his earring, and sighed. I continued. "I've answered enough of your questions. It's time you answer some of mine." He leaned in close to my face.
"Don't think you can order me around, Princess," He growled.
"Please, just answer one question," I begged. "Why am I still here? You used me to escape, but you don't need me anymore." He looked at me, his face still inches from mine.
"I was actually looking for someone else," he said, "but when I went to her hotel room, she wasn't there. The cops found me looking through her stuff and they chased me. I guess you know the rest."
"But why am I still-"
"You're still here because you can help me get the girl I'm looking for," He cut me off. "You see, I'm rather desperate to get her."
"You think I can help you kidnap another girl?"
"Aye. You can."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because you don't exactly have a choice."
"Who is she? How am I supposed to help you get her?" I asked.
"She's the daughter of someone important. I need the ransom money. Plus, I wanted to tell her something. Something her parents have been keeping from her. She actually has a similar name to you. Allanah."
"It's a pretty common name these days." I personally knew at least three other girls with the name Allanah.
"Aye, I suppose it is. As for how you can help me, this girl wouldn't be able to stand the sight of an innocent person in danger, especially a young, helpless girl like you. I plan to use you as bait to get to her." He backed away from me, and I took my chance. I darted past him and almost made it to the open door before he grabbed me by the arm and threw me roughly on the bed, jumping on top of me to hold me down. "I am not about to let you die," He growled in my ear. I struggled to get out from under him, but he held me firmly in place. My breathing was hard and my heart rate was high. "I recommend that you stop struggling," Jefferson said. "I weigh a considerable amount more than you." I stopped, exhausted. "Good girl. Now I suggest you get some sleep. I'll send someone to get you in the morning."
He carefully climbed off of me. I stayed put, not wanting him to touch me again. He walked out the door, locking it behind him. It took a minute for me to get under the sheets, as my hands were still tied behind me. Finally, I got into bed and silently cried myself to sleep.

I promise I don't do authors notes very often, but if you like this, please vote and/or comment. I'd really love to know what you think as it makes me nervous when no one says anything. Thanks! 💕

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