history on a sister

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"tell me how your sister died harmony" fear was bloodshot through us, our bodies full of goosebumps. "I don't know, we went out for Halloween, sister had by far the best clown makeup I had ever seen and was taking me around town to get candy well I went up to one house to get candy and came back to where sister had been and she was gone a trail of blood went down the street but that's all I ever knew" harmony had never spoken of 'dear old sister' so this wasn't a joke her dear old sister jade had come back angry. "why did she kill your parents, any fights went on that night" harmony nodded quickly " sister, er jade couldn't have a boyfriend at the age of sixteen and she was asked to her very first dance,jade asked to go but mom and dad said they just couldn't allow her to go at her age this of course started a big argument and mom and dad confessed that they didn't trust her" I couldn't understand why saying 'we don't trust you!' would be a big deal, mom had never trusted me in her life and dad tried to take all the shifts at work to avoid mother so I never saw him. "why would she kill for that" harmony shook her head "she wouldn't, jade was also very heart broken that night though considering her date had already chosen another girl for the dance before she even called. Jade spent all night hugging me like a teddy bear and crying maybe she wants revenge for all that ever hurt her or didnt trust her I did I told her I did" I nodded "that makes since but ghosts or spirits don't make sense this is only an idea not a actual reason, do you know who her date was" harmony smiled "jared cornerstone."

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