9. Outfits?!?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt

"Come on guys its no big deal, I found out about this one before you guys all left. How else do you think I was able to handle all those cases? the only way there will ever be a sign of injury like a scar is if I hurt myself." Mai states in a monotone voice. Ayako comes up to Mai and pokes her back, Mai immediately stiffens and swats Ayako's hand away. "Just because its all healed does not mean that my skin isn't tender." Mai growls before tossing the apple core into the trash.

"Does it have any negative affects on you?" Martian asks inquisitively. The others look at Mai.

"No, but you all should get around and get ready we are going to Italy. So hurry up our plane leaves in two hours." Mai states as she climbs the stairs slowly. "Oh and don't forget you need to be ready to be fitted for formal wear when we land, we will be attending a masquerade ball!" Mai shouts down. She smiles as she hears a chorus or squeals and groans.

(1 hour later)

Everyone watched as Mai climbed onto the bus. With shock written across there faces. Mai turns to them.

"What?" Her voice holds a defensiveness.

"We were expecting you to take your bike..." Monk states tensely. Mai turns to him.

"Well because of the big fuss made over my bike, I will just leave it hear. Besides we will be given car's to use in Venice, So there is no need for it." Mai sits down as Lin starts the bus. He heads for the air port. Once there Mai calls out, "Just pull up to the front there are people there waiting to help us. Lin nods and pulls up. Mai gets out as some men grab her bags and fallow her into the air port, the others fallow suit as they board another private jet. Mai motions for them to fallow her as she heads down a flight of stairs that leads to a hallway of rooms. Everyone looks around confused. "We all need sleep, so pair up and go to sleep, see you in eight hours." Mai states heading to the room at the end of the hall, Naru fallowing behind her. She turns around and glares at him.

"You said to pair up. You and I are the only two left. So suck it up." Naru states tensely. Mai holds the door open for him. "Besides I want to make sure you actually sleep." That statement makes Mai stop dead in her tracks, she turns slowly.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Mai's voice was like ice. "If anything as I recall you and Lin would hardly sleep on the cases, which is why I assume you wanted my tea all the time." Mai's voice held a smugness to it. It threw him off.

"Whatever..." Naru grumbled. He laid down on the bed but noticed that Mai was not. He growled lowly. She sat on the bed and laid down as well, but her back was to him.

(8 hours later)

Naru awoke to find that Mai was no longer there. But he smelt something lovely. He sat up and noticed the steaming hot cup of Earl Grey tea. He smiled softly to himself. He took the tea cup and climbed the stairs, to find Mai sitting there with her nose in a book. He noted that it was by a famous author, he then looked more closely at the name. He realized that if he rearranged the letters it spelled out Mai's name to a T. "You wrote that book didn't you?" He asked. Mai tensed momentarily before nodding. "Your theory's are very excellent, the team has based some of it's work on cases on them. How ever did you come up with such theories?" Naru asked.

"Most of them were based off of work that you had already done, I just clarified and added my knowledge to them, making them much more correct." Mai stated flatly. Naru nodded. The others of the group stared to stream in, all of them thanking Mai for such a calm and peaceful sleep. Mai simply nodded in acknowledgment.

The plane soon landed. Mai got off first. "First order of business ladies and gentlemen is getting you all fitted for your formal wear." Mai announced. "The drivers of your vehicles all know where they will be going. We will meet back at the hotel around five to begin getting ready for the ball. Gentlemen you all will be taken to get your suits fitted and picked out along with your masks. You will then be taken to a favorite little shop of mine, where your hair shall get touched up and you all will get massages, and do not try to tell me you don't need them, because you all do." Mai smiled as all the men closed their mouths quickly. "Ladies you all will be going to get your dresses and masks. We will then head to a spa and salon were we will be prepped for the ball. Am I understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good." Mai ushered the ladies into there limousine, and they all headed off in different directions.

The ladies reached the shop quickly. They were greeted by a small lady. Mai spoke fluently with the women before the two turned to the rest of the group. The lady first pointed to Kasi. The poor girl looked very nervous but fallowed the lady as the others sat around. Not even five minutes later, Kasi came out wearing a beautiful lavender gown, it fell in ripples around her. Her shoes were the same color, with small rhinestones embellishing them. Next went Madoka, she wore a baby pink lace gown with matching shoes as well. Ayako went next, she came out in a bright red satin gown, with red heels. Then went Leulla, her dress was a soft gold, her shoes dazzled and made the simple dress pop. Then came Masako, her dress was a deep green small plant like designs covered her bust, her shoes had a matching design. Finally came Xou, her dress was a pale blue which accentuated her complexion, her shoes matched her dress as well. The women looked at each other as they waited for Mai, but when she came out in her normal cloths they all sighed in disappointment.

"Masks come next ladies. Sorry for Mai, not showing her outfit but she wants her's to be a surprise." The others nodded, the ladies helped the girls pick matching masks. The masks were very simple so as not to draw any attention away from there dresses. The girls then went next door to the salon and spa where they were all treated to a makeover, all except Mai. The other women looks confused when Mai did not come with them back to the hotel, she told the that she was going to be taking a separate car. They nodded in understanding and went back the the hotel.

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