8. Abilities?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt

Everyone looked at Mai. She growled under her breath. Martian, Lin and Monk walked up to the girl. Monk and Lin each took one of her arms and led her inside, her eyes only open slightly.  The other's watched as the men took her into the study. "What the hell do you think you were doing Mai?" Lin yelled. "I can accept you driving a motorcycle but the way you were driving... you could have gotten yourself killed!" He growled out. Mai clenched her hands into fists.

"None of you have any right to yell at me so drop the subject." Her voice was low and deadly. Monk looked down ashamed and Lin sighed sadly. Martian looked away.

"Mai  why is your great awakening different from your sister's or Naru and Gene?" Martian asked carefully. Mai turned to him with calm and warm eyes.

"That's better, and to answer your question, mines different because mine hasn't happened yet. And the reason why is something I am not willing to disclose yet." Mai said with a inquisitive look. Martian nodded. Mai sighed. "Do you know a good gym I can use?" Mai asked.

"Yeah there is one in the lab... would it be okay with you if I monitored you while you work out?" Martian asked. Mai nodded. "Thank you." Martian states with a small smile. He leads her out of the study as Mai grabs her bag. Monk and Lin exchange glances before running off to get Naru and Gene.

"Naru! Martian and Mai have gone down to the lab!" Lin shouts out. Naru growls as he and Gene rush to the lab. They get their to find their father standing outside the door.

"You two are so predictable... Mai told me she was okay with me monitoring her while she worked out. I wanted to see what her limits are and so for I am very surprised. She has gone through ten punching bags, the amount of weight she is able to lift is incredible, and her endurance and speed are off the charts. For her full powers not being unlocked she sure is strong, I'm just concerned that when she does awaken her abilities her body won't be able to keep up..." Martian states worriedly. "She is meditating right now." Martian sighs. Gene and Naru exchange knowing looks.

"You have never acted this way while investigating someone with abilities, why now?" Naru asks his father.

"Mai Taniyama, We all knew each other, and now with my memories of her back, I realize what we all put her through. And hearing about what she is capable of worries me. She was always the smart one out of the four of you. You know I found out the she actually graduated college at the age of 9, while under the duress of watching out for her sister. The only reason those two were in that high school where you found then was for the looks, Mai was actually helping her sister through college. She and her sister are very special. That's the reason, because she has given so much, so much that she has lost herself. It's our job to help her find herself." Martian states. The twins look at each other. Martian looks at his son's. The door behind them opens and out steps a tired Mai. "Why don't I show you to your room for the night?" Martian asks. Mai smiles and nods.

"Thank you, Mr. Davis." Mai replies kindly. Martian leads Mai to her room. She enters without a word and sets her alarm, she takes a quick shower and goes to bed. Her eyes fluttering closed.
Her body going into a resting state, where the ancient and delicate markings or tattoos that are normally invisible begin to glow a soft blue.
(Meanwhile with the others at 4:00am)

"Mai has changed, she is very different now.... And this case and what she has shown us. I can't believe her power..." Lin mutters to the others. Gene nods slowly. Naru looks around confused, feeling a slight tingling at the back of his neck he normally gets when his power begins to build up. He looks at his brother, they make eye contact and nod.
"Gene let's go check up on Mai, I just want to make sure she is alright. Especially since we have been gone. Gene hasn't been able to guide her in her dreams, and spirit walking can be dangerous..." Naru states calmly. The others nod at the two as they exit the room and head upstairs to Mai's room. The twins notice the soft glow coming from under her door, the twins look at each other in worry. They run into the room and find Mai with her body covered in glowing tattoos, they rush to her side as she makes small noises, the noises make it sound like the girl is in pain. They jump back when Mai suddenly sits upright in bed. Her breathing heavy and the tattoos slowly fading along with the glow. She looks at the guys in her room and winces as she feels the pain from the injuries she acquired through her dream. She stands up and heads for the bathroom, Naru and Gene fallowing right on her heels. She pulls her black tank top off, revealing her black sports bra. Mai growls as she finds the cuts in her back from her dream and the cut across her face.
"Mai let's get you down to Ayako, she can patch you up." Gene states slightly panicked. Upset that she is able to come out of her dreams with injuries.
"That won't be necessary, I just need to eat right now... And don't question me.." Mai grits out through her teeth. She moves for the door, but they twins stop her.
"Um Mai, your shirt." Naru states annoyed.
"Yeah what about it?" Mai asks confused.
"You should put it back on..." Naru says as a faint blush creeps into his mask of coldness.
"I'm not going to risk that article of clothing irritating my injuries... It'll be fine.." Mai walks out of the room with a smirk on her face, she fallows the noise and walks in to find Monk and Ayako arguing, while Yasu and Kasi laugh. Her smirk grows even more as everyone stops and stares, she walks past them and into the kitchen.
"Mai your back!" Ayako cries out as she and Masako run to aid the girl. But once the reach the kitchen they find her eating an apple as her wounds slowly close themselves up. They stare in utter shock. The others also seeing what happened stare in shock as well. Mai turns back around her face completely innocent.

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