CASTERS (Chapter 6: Hush-Hush.)

Start from the beginning

"Another True-Caster?!" Kaleb said, watching the projection on his watch.

"My thoughts exactly." I became angered. "There are so many True-Casters in Saki yet I'm the only one struggling to save my life. What about that guy?" I pointed at my watch. The projection suddenly disappeared.

"The feed disconnected..Wait... Sapphire Crystals..." He paused. "I've heard stories but I didn't think them to be true."

"You know something about him?"

"I think so. Eight years ago there was a caster in district 3, he wiped out his entire family and bonded with his animal spirit in one night. The Crystal Caster, a name that didn't stick. Many times an assassination attempt was made on his life but he'd always kill them. The X Caster is what they began calling him. Marking off any that dared to stand in his way. It was rumored that he was tried before the magic council themselves, but was released. I thought it was all false but after seeing his power today it could very well be true."

"He's ruthless. How was he able to survive the magic council when the evidence is highly stacked against him?" I wondered about the justice system.

"A thought everyone pondered on. But to question the council of casters is a game of dice on your life."

"I know. Back to the real the question at hand that needs answering. Why did he wipe out his entire cluster? Neither of them had his number."

"You haven't figure it out yet?" He frowned. "His quick thinking also makes him formidable. I didn't figure it out until he began attacking them. He figured out a loop hole, Seth. The loop hole is that, whatever the rules don't have, you are capable of doing and getting away with it. The rule never mentioned that you could not take a number that is not your own. It didn't state that you couldn't take more than one number, and it certainly didn't state which two of the same numbers you must have to head toward the fifth district with. That being said, he figured that any two numbers would do, which is smart." Kaleb's explanation made me think of another rule unwritten.

"It also didn't state whether we can form alliances to get the numbers we want as a team." Both of our eyes widened thinking of her. Our heads jumped around the forest, looking for her. She may be mad at us but it's not safe for Alex to be alone right now. "I can't remember which way she went."

"Neither can I. Seth," He gripped my arm. "There's a town we'll have to pass through then more forest before we hit district 5. The town is almost two miles in that direction." He pointed west. "I actually planned to avoid it. If everyone is thinking the same then we'll all end up there, which will probably end in a huge battle collision. You need to run toward the town and search for Alex. I'll head south for about two and a half miles. When she's found by either one of us, the rendezvous point is the edge of town." He slid back his shirt sleeve. "Here. clamp your glass onto mine." I did without question. When the flat glass of our watches connected, a voice spoke.

"Identifying. Connecting. Linked."

I looked at my watch and saw his face on it. I tapped it and watched as his face projected onto my watch and mine projected onto his.

"You don't have to be a genius to use one of these, Seth. It's simple." He turned away. "We contact each other if she's found. It also pinpoints each of our locations, so finding each other shouldn't be hard."

"Wait. You're planning to walk those two miles?" I was skeptical.

He looked back at me. "No. Rashi!" He said then disappeared from sight. I spotted flashes of him through the forest trees as his distance broadened. My eyes widened at the familiar ability. I thought Casters weren't able to use that ability. I began running in the direction he pointed out thinking I'd be so much faster if I knew how to do what he did. I've gotta learn that Casterian.

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