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Naina's POV:

I was busy on the internet, don't judge me but what else am I supposed to do? Being an introvert I never had too many friends so I found solace and company in my books. I just had one best friend who was currently on a vacation in Dubai so I was left all alone.

Browsing through the various social networking sites I kept on wondering when will I get to vacation with my family. Dad being a part of the most crucial jobs in the country, we had to compromise on a lot of things. We do have our little precious moments but ever since we decided to settle down here it was just me and Mumma on most days.

The one thing we didn't lack now was people. When you keep on shuffling between places, it is not easy to maintain relations and that was one thing that my mother hated the most. Dad would be off to work and me to school, it was her who was always left behind to sulk over her thoughts. There was also a phase when she had started taking antidepressant pills. It wasn't easy for her to explain her own husband that how empty she had started feeling.

My dad was always a man of few words whereas Mumma was a complete chatterbox, I could see that all she wanted was stability. She had managed to cope up with my dad's behavior and now all she asked for was a few people she could talk to. Dad understood her better than anyone else. He never really expressed it but we all knew that he just needed her by his side. He knew that if she stayed together then she may either go insane or ask for a divorce and he wanted none of it to happen to her.

Thoughts, planning and a lot of discussion later we settled down here where my Mumma smiles 24/7. Dolly Aunty, Manisha didi and all our neighbors keep on doing something or the other. Either cooking some new dish, discussing some daily soap, fixing a girl's marriage or gossiping about each other. All they did was talk but this talking had brought my mother back from the life she had been getting sucked into.

I was still busy wondering when I noticed an image on the social media web page , an image of the book I preached. The image of my favorite book, "Love knows no bounds", but that's when I noticed there were images of all my favorite author's books and that is when I paid a bit more attention and saw the post,

"The author R.J Rajvansh announces a contest of a kind"

I immediately clicked the link to proceed towards my future,

Famous and world known YA& Romance Fiction writer R.J Rajvansh recently posted an opportunity of a lifetime for his fans on his website. The readers are extremely excited as it call already be seen that the author's message has left his fans in a frenzy. All other social media websites have this one trending story on the top and people have already started prepping themselves up for the same. Let's see who wins and gets a chance to learn the tricks of writing and romance from the author himself." I think I read it wrong, I scrolled back up and reread the last line and that's when I lost it.

I started jumping on my bed and was dancing with my bedsheets, pretending the corner to be a man's palm, I held it and started prancing like a maniac until I fell tangled in those same sheets.

A bedsheet as a man, acts like a sick head, makes me fall. Not a good idea. Next time maybe a pair of shirt.

Before I got lost in my nonsensical world again,I got back to my senses and went back to the laptop, what was the contest about I still had no clue and here I was going insane already.

AN- I am really sorry, the schedule has been very crappy until now but here I am with an average chapter. Regular updates are on the way guys. Do vote and comment. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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