"Hey! Want a ride with me?" He called after me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Of course I wanted a ride with him. It was better than running the two blocks to Rogers Center.

He came down the stairs behind me, and I allowed him to go in front of me so I could follow him to his car.

"You're not going to try to plow me down the stairs now are you?" He joked.

"Of course not! I didn't even mean to try to run you over the first time, I over slept and I hate being late," I said opening the passenger door of his fancy sports car.

"I know I'm just playing with you," he said smiling. God that smile melted my heart.

"Am I allowed to eat this apple in here? Or is that against the fancy sports car code of conduct?"

"Go ahead, I don't care," he said turning on his blinker.

I ate that apple in record time. I just finished is we pulled up to the Rogers Center, five minutes late for practice.

I was pissed that I was late and apparently so was Russell.

"Why are you late," he whispered to me through gritted teeth as I quickly french braided my hair.

"I overslept," I said wrapping my hair elastic around the bottom of my braid.

"You? You overslept? My good God Lucy, that has to be a first," he said laughing.

"Yeah so funny," I said sarcastically.

"Were you with Ryan last night," he whispered again.

I shook my head no then said, "But he drove me here this morning after I almost plowed him down the stairs."

"Only you," he said playfully punching my arm. "Come bat Luce, the guys wanna see you swing."

I grabbed my batting gloves and bat and walked out to the cages.

"Soooo, what on earth were you and Ryan doing in the common room at one o'clock this morning," Josh asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted.

"But seriously what were you doing in there?"

"He wanted to talk about something, at one in the morning, I don't know why, but I met with him. And it's totally not what you think," I told him.

"Alright, but after the game tonight I'm telling you what the team came up with for who you like," he said sticking his tongue out at me and stepping into the cage.

I stepped into the cage beside Josh and started swinging my bat to warn up.

"What are you swinging at?" Called a voice behind me. It was Ryan.

"I'm warming up!" I called back.

He just kind of chuckled and stepped into the cage beside me.

I called out to Jason to pitch to me, and he gladly said he would.

His strikes were on point today and so was my swinging because I sent three balls into the West Jet flight deck.

"You're a monster hitter!" Ryan called from the cage beside me.

"Well I try to be," I said keeping my face turned away from him because I could feel myself blushing.

Jason threw a couple more pitches and then I told him he could take a break because I needed one myself.

I sat down in the dugout and took a drink of biosteel. The pink drink was quite tasty.

Gibby called me down to his office and I saw this as my chance to talk to him about Goins.

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