The large space was filled with people but the ones who stood out the most were centre stage and covered with a shining spot light. I took one of the few remaining seats that was located at the bar, as I sat down a young brunette male approached me with a smile,

"Hi can I buy you a drink?" the man said it as less of a question and more of an obligation, I didn't want to seem rude so I agreed with no hesitation, I knew agreeing was a mistake but I truly didn't care. 

The liquid I was handed was pink and had a little umbrella that practically screamed femininity but it was surprisingly strong and tasted like strawberries, I sat enjoying my drink almost forgetting about the presence of a stranger

"Hi, Im Ryan" The attractive man said to me with confidence, for a second I struggled to reply, 

"Annora" the word left my mouth filled with uncertainty, like I was unsure of my name and myself,

"Well it's a pretty name for a pretty girl" I shrugged with a false smile as a response. We spoke for a while about things I truly didn't care about until he's attitude towards me became a little different.

"So how about we cut to the chase and you come back to my place and join me with a couple of friends, we can hang" usually I would be mad; a part of me wanted to throw my drink at him. But instead I smiled, got up from my seat and nodded. I needed change, that was the only thing I knew. I could become a different person.

Part of me didn't want to leave the glorified strippers but I did. I grabbed Ryan's hand with regret in my eyes and began to walk. He bored me with talk of how he doesn't usually do this but i'm special but I wasn't dumb, I knew what he was doing. 

The walk was quick and the conversation was dull, his apartment seemed bigger on the outside, and the walls were a dark blue colour, to my surprise he wasn't lying about friends, three men who looked to all be in their twenties sat before me, announcing themselves as they noticed my presence, a pail man with short blonde hair introduced himself,

"Hi, i'm Ryan's roommate Toby, Ryan seems to have forgotten to tell me we were having more company" Ryan looked mildly irritated by the cocky blonde, 

"We do not have company, I however do." i hated being treated like an object so I decided to introduce myself with the most amount of confidence I had,

"Hello i'm Annora, and you are?" I said referring to the other two sprawled across the sofa. A shy looking ginger boy looked like he was about to speak before another blonde introduced himself confidently, 

"I'm Tom and thats Ollie, he's a little shy around pretty girls"

I believe the statement was meant to make me blush, but it didn't. I took this as an opportunity to sit, the boys moved and gave me space to sit in-between them, well an irritated looking Ryan stood by a door leading to a bedroom,

"Don't you won't to have a drink with me in the kitchen?" Ryan said looking overly confident,

"I'd prefer to have one here, my shows on" I said testing his patience, the boys giggled while Ryan left to get me a drink, he returned with a bottle of vodka and some shot glasses, he handed everyone a glass and filled them to the top with the pure substance, the ginger spoke for the first time,

"How about we take a shot every time Leonard rolls his eyes at Sheldon" He suggested looking slightly less shy, we all agreed.

In what felt like minutes  the alcohol had already started to take effect and my body began to become unstable, thats when I noticed Ryan dragging me and beginning to lead me to his room carrying a bottle of wine and drinking from it, he then began to kiss me while audibly moaning, but all I really wanted was the wine, with what little time I had before Ryan's tongue would be forced down my mouth I gulped as much wine as possible, he then removed the bottle as he did with his jeans, I knew I didn't want this, but I also didn't care enough to stop him, it wouldn't be my first time so why would it matter? In that moment I shut my eyes and waited, my body was treated like an object but I knew I couldn't leave, it was too late to get a hotel room, and the trains wouldn't be running anymore. I wasn't ready for the independence I longed for, after what felt like hours but was probably minutes Ryan was done, we lay there for a thew minutes before he cleared his throat,

"So are you gonna go then?" I knew this wasn't the best situation but I hadn't anticipated he'd throw me out at early hours of the morning , but what could I do? I couldn't argue or ask to stay, I'd seem so pathetic, which I was obviously, the only thing I could do was leave as I got dressed and gathered my stuff together the heartless creature began to speak,

"Its not you or anything, I just have a rule, you know, no ones allowed to stay over" i quickly responded, 

"I thought you didn't do this often?" obviously I knew that was a lie but I wanted him to feel at least a little shit, 

"I guess you shouldn't be so gullible" And with that I stormed out, wishing i'd thrown my drink in his face the moment he'd asked me to join him. The street was colder than I expected and I was left wondering what to do next, I couldn't call Jenny or Kevin and I didn't really have any friends, I began calling Daisy a number of times because I knew she was too kind to say no, on my last attempt she finally picked up, the line wasn't great and I couldn't really hear here,

"Hi Nora what do you want?" the statement was blunt but not rude because of the kind of loving person she was, she sounded odd, and I could hear music in the background, 

"Hi i'm really sorry to ask but i'm stuck and I can't get home. Is there any way you could come and get me?" I sounded more desperate than I would have hoped, 

"Look i'm really sorry but i've been drinking, like a lot, i'm at a party, you were added to the group chat. Can you not just get a taxi?" 

"No taxi's aren't running it's too late, look don't worry i'll find some way back" I was about to hang up until she stated to speak again, 

"No I know one person who hasn't drunk at this party, I'll ask him to come get you and i'll give him the money for the petrol" relief flooded me,

"Thank you so much, i'm in the middle of Manchester i'll text you my address" she gave me a loud laugh, 

"Manchester, what are you doing there?" I didn't know how to respond but I owed her an explanation,

"I don't know, I was looking for something" as vague as it was I didn't have a better answer, 

"And did you find what you were looking for?" she asked her words still slurred 

"No" Is all I responded before the phone line went dead.

The cold sobered me up a little but I was still very tipsy, a group of men honked their horn at me but I ignored it, then I waited the long wait I knew i'd have to face. 

About an hour later as I began to fall asleep at the side of the road a car beeped again at me, as I looked up I realised the car was familiar, It was Harry.

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