May 16, 1950

260 10 3

Chapter 8

United States

Pearblossom Junior High (All Girls School)

8:46 a.m.

Whispers erupted in Mrs. Delancey's room.

"Where's Mrs. Delancey?"

"Did you hear what happened to Mrs. Delancey?"

"What happened?"

"Everyone's saying she left town."

"What? Why?" 

"Because of-"

"Quiet down, children! From today on, I will be your new teacher." Everyone's gaze went slowly to the voice. Their hearts burned with hate as a smirking face was in their presence. 

Ms. Rowen.

"Now, now. Mrs. Delancey has quit her job and every other teacher has a class to teach. So, I volunteered to teach this, marvelous class."

Marianne's eyes filled with raging hate that she couldn't help but glare. 

"You! I don't like you're face right now. Change it!" Ms. Rowen was infront of Marianne's desk. 

"What if I don't?" Everyone gasped at Marianne's response.

Ms. Rowen clenched her teeth. "If you do not obey my instructions, you will be sent to the principal."

"Instructions? More like orders." 

"Young lady, I do not permit of your behavior! Go down to the principal's office, now!" 

"I don't want to, and you can't make me!" Marianne crossed her arms.

Ms. Rowen's 'controlled' gaze was now a glare. "You better, young miss, or you shall be expelled!"

"But I did not do anything wrong."

"You are talking back to the teacher! That is not class rules!" 

"Class rules don't involve tattle taling on other teachers for making learning enjoyable!"

"That is it! I will report this to the principal!" 

Marianne didn't budge, but inside, she didn't want to get expelled. She didn't want her parents taken away from her. 

Liona got up from her seat and grabbed Ms. Rowen's waist behind her back. 

"No! You cannot expell my friend!" Liona kept holding on as Ms. Rowen tried to squirm out of her grip.

"You shall be reported also if you do not stop this behavior!" 

Chelsea couldn't sit around anymore. Since the camera will drag her, she took it off and helped Liona keep Ms. Rowen in place. Marianne also joined in. Suddenly, the rest of the class started to join in, dragging Ms. Rowen to the ground. 

After about a minute, she squirmed free. Her hair was tangled and her dress was ruffled. Her face was scrunched up, clearly mad and annoyed.

"I shall have all of you expelled! I will not tolerate of this class anymore!" 

She stormed toward the door, but she was stopped by a girl holding something. A quick second later, a flash blinded everyone. When they reopened their eyes, Ms. Rowen was nowhere to be seen.

The only thing they saw by the door was a teary girl whose hands were frozen in place as if holding something. Between her fingers, she was holding some kind of picture.

A teacher came from behind her, asking what was going on. When her gaze went to the girl by the door, something caught her attention.

"Young lady, what is that on your neck?"


Weeks later, they never found Ms. Rowen. Since the school couldn't shut down because of a missing teacher, they hired a new one. The class was okay with the new teacher, but not as good as Ms. Delancey. 

No one really knew what happened to Ms. Delancey either. 


The Hell Gate will be waiting for the name Que Hanson.

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