January 24,1931

439 11 5

Note: There was all sorts of ways to curse someone from the stories they heard and read, so please don't be confused if they use different ways to curse a person.


Chapter 3


Choi Household

6:23 p.m.

"Haha! Sungjong! What the heck?" Jinyoung laughed at his best friend who fell face first on cow poop.

"Shut up, man. It's nasty." Sungjong got up and wiped his face with his shirt. He grimaced with the smell.

"Ewww." Jinyoung kept laughing.

Sungjong glared at him and grabbed a shovel full of cow manure, throwing it staight on Jinyoung's face.

"Now look who's laughing," snickered Sungjong.

Jinyoung tackled him and they started rolling on cow poop, laughing.

"Jinyoung and Sungjong! Finish your job and clean up! It's time for dinner," yelled Mr. Choi, grinning at his two sons. "Gosh, you guys are like blood brothers. Don't be too harsh now, Sungjong."

"That's because we're cool!" Jinyoung said, giving a thumbs up.

Mr. Choi laughed. "Well finish up so you both can eat. Hurry or your food will get cold. Don't forget to wash yourselves off first!"

Jinyoung's mother was Mr. Choi's sister. She couldn't take care of Jinyoung anymore, and his father died from a disease, so he stayed with Sungjong until his mother came back to get him.

"Dude, we stink," said Jinyoung.

"Nah, I think that's just you." Sungjong started to run toward the bath house. "Race you!"

"Cheater!" yelled Jinyoung, but he ran after him anyway.

After they were both freshened up, they went to Sungjong's house to eat dinner. When they opened the door, it smelled of food. Their stomachs grumbled.

"Haha! Look who's here," said Mr. Choi. He was sitting next to Mrs. Choi, who was setting the table with scrumptious food.

"Gosh we're hungry!" Sungjong started filling his mouth with rice, pork, and fish.

"Dude, save some for me." Jinyoung stole the pork that Sungjong placed on his plate.

They ate to the fullest and rubbed their stomachs. "Thanks for the food, Samchon Choi," said Jinyoung.

"You're welcome, Jinyoung. It's been great having you here. Sungjong is no longer locked up in his room, reading his books." Mr. Choi smiled at Jinyoung, who smiled at Sungjong.

Sungjong averted his gaze and stood up. "I'm tired. I'll be going to bed now. Jinyoung."

"Oh!" Jinyoung stood up to follow Sungjong. "Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Choi."

"Have a good rest," said Mrs. Choi, cleaning up.

Sungjong plopped down on his bed and turned, facing the wall. Jinyoung took out the extra mattress from the closet and put it on the ground next to Sungjong's bed.

"Whew. Night Sungjong," Jinyoung said, getting comfortable on his bed.

Sungjong didn't reply, so Jinyoung thought he was already sleeping.

The truth was, Sungjong wasn't even close to sleeping. He was fully awake.

His soul has become tainted.

January 25,1931

"Boys! Wake up! Mr. Choi is working on the vegetable field by himself, so you guys can do anything you want today," said Mrs. Choi, opening the window to let sunlight in.

Sungjong bolted up and ran out the door, leaving his bed messed up.

Jinyoung, on the other hand, neatly folded his blanket, rolled up his matress, and stacked it carefully inside the closet.

"What a well-mannered boy you are, Jinyoung." Mrs. Choi patted his head.

"Mother isn't always home, so I had to take care of myself," Jinyoung said, looking down.

Mrs. Choi gave him a pitiful smile. "Don't worry, we'll be your family."

As they were talking, Sungjong stared at them from the side of the door, his eyes narrowing.

"Now, let's have some breakfast and you can go play with Sungjong." She led him out the door, meeting Sungjong you was already at the table.

The three ate breakfast together. After finishing, Sungjong and Jinyoung went outside, followed by Mrs. Choi saying, "Remember, don't go across the bridge!" 

"What should we do?" asked Jinyoung, stretching.

"I heard there was this strange person by the bridge. Wanna go and see?" asked Sungjong. "Or are you scared?"

"Haha! As if! Let's just.. not cross it. Your mom said-"

"Let's go!" Sungjong ran and Jinyoung followed behind.

When they got to the bridge, there was a girl standing halfway to the end, looking at the river below. She looked at them with glowing red eyes.

Then, she disappeared before they could say something.

"Who was that?" asked Jinyoung. "Was that the stranger?"

"I-I don't know. That wasn't the stranger. The stranger was said to be a guy that was covered in this long robe and..."

"Hey, what's that?" Jinyoung started walking into the trees on the right side before the bridge. He stopped and Sungjong bumped into his back.

"Why'd you stop?" asked Sungjong, looking at what he was looking at, which was just more trees.

"Nothing. Let's go home." Jinyoung started walking back until Sungjong grabbed his arm.

"What did you see?" Sungjong held his grip on him.

"Nothing! I just wanted to go home!"

"That's not your home! Your home is somewhere else with your dead mother! So maybe you should just join her!" Sungjong let go of Jinyoung's hand, shocked that he said the secret that he was to keep.

"D-Dead? M-My mom isn't dead. You're lying!" Jinyoung stepped back and ran outside the forest.

Sungjong growled. "Ever since you came you were always the center of attention, making me just a lazy, messed up son. You act all perfect and good, but really, you're just miserable. It would've been better if you didn't come. Better yet, dead."

He took a sharp rock and wrote his name on a tree. He also wrote Jinyoung's name under his, saying he wants him to die. "Curse Jinyoung Choi. Curse him to Hell."

I have been summoned by Songjong Choi. He summoned me to kill his cousin, Jinyoung Choi.

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