January 25,1931

322 12 6

Chapter 3


Choi Household

11:04 a.m.

Sungjong started walking back toward his house, taking his time. He was in no hurry to see his poor little cousin.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind made him close his eyes. When he reopened them, a hoodied figure with this look-alike high-tech camera around its neck.

"Are you Sungjong Choi?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Yeah. You are?"

"I am the person you have summoned. You wanted to kill your cousin?"

"Summoned? I didn't summon anyone."

"You summoned me when you cursed him on the tree, don't you remember?"

He thought back when he took the rock and carved his curse. He stepped back. "I don't want to die."

"Well, that is up to you. Do you still want your cousin to die?"

Sungjong scoffed. "Of course I do. I hate how he gets all the attention. He's even taking my parents away!"

The hoodied figure lifted the high-tech camera off its head and placed it infront of Sungjong.

"Press the button when the person you want to kill is infront of you. After pressing the button, I will send who's picture you took to Hell."

Sungjong laughed. He reached for it until the hoodied figure held it back.

"There's a catch."

"A catch?" he asked, searching for the hoodied figure's face.

"Once you press the button, you will be marked with my symbol. The symbol will remind your soul that when you die, you will also be sent to Hell to suffer for eternity. Your soul will never see the light of day, ever again."

With one gust of wind, the hoodied figure disappeared, leaving the camera around Sungjong's neck.

"I-I'll go to Hell too? But, I didn't do anything wrong!" He ran toward his house, but was stopped when his dad was running toward him. He grabbed Sungjong's shoulders with panicked eyes.

"Where's Jinyoung?! Weren't you with him?" Mr. Choi asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"I-I don't know. H-He ran away."

Mr. Choi swore.

"W-Why? What happened?"

"We fear that... Jinyoung might have crossed the bridge."

Sungjong's eyes went wide. Not because of shock, but because he was happy that he didn't have to go to Hell just for taking a picture of his cousin.

"Everyone! Let's go!" Mr. Choi instructed for village members to come with him to find Jinyoung.

"Huh? Dad? Why are you going?" asked Sungjong.

"We need to find him before the sun sets. If we don't come back before then...." Mr. Choi's eyes went distant

"Mr. Choi! We must hurry!" said one of the village men.

Mr. Choi nodded, following them. He crossed the bridge, and into the wilderness on the other side. Sungjong's eyes filled with hate.

They would risk their lives for Jinyoung? Why? His mother was already dead. It's not like he has anything else to live for.

Sungjong started walking again to his house, greeted by his mother's hug. "Oh gosh! Are you okay? What happened?" Mrs. Choi asked. "I'm scared for Jinyoung. I hope nothing happens to him."

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