May 14,1950

264 7 3

Chapter 6

United States

Pearblossom Junior High (All Girls School)

4:12 p.m.

"Happy Mother's Day!"

The four families got together to celebrate the holiday.  The Olsons, Jesley, Anders, and Hansons. Everyone had a party over at the Jesley's.

"Here you go, sweetheart." Mr. Olson gave his wife a big bouquet of pink carnations.

Mrs. Olson gasped in awe, accepting the flowers. "Oh, David! This is marvelous!" They both kissed each other as everyone else made an 'awww' sound.

The other fathers gave their wives their Mother's Day presents, consisting of earrings, more flowers, chocolates, and love.

After giving out the presents, the four girls made their way on the back yard, where they sat around the angel fountain that spouted water from its mouth.

"Did you see my mom's face? She was so happy!" exclaimed Que, clasping her hands together.

Marianne nodded. "My mom too! I'm glad she enjoyed our presents."

Liona grinned. "My mother is always working, so I'm happy she had a day off to enjoy Mother's Day."

When Chelsea was about to say something, everything stopped. Everyone was frozen in place. The birds and the leaves were still in mid-air. Chelsea stared in disbelief.

"Are you Chelsea Anders?"

Chelsea jumped as she saw a hoodied figure in thick robes with a camera strap around her neck. From its voice, it was a girl.


"I am the person you have summoned. You wanted to kill Danielle Sien Rowen?"

Chelsea's eyes widened. "S-Summoned?"

"You burned the doll with Danielle Rowen's name. I have been summoned by that curse."

"W-Why have you come? I thought that Ms. Rowen was just going to-" She swallowed. "Just die."

The hoodied figure raised its head slightly. "There's a price to pay."

Chelsea looked at her friends, then back at the hoodied figure whose face is hidden. "Price?" she asked.

The hoodied figure lifted the camera off of her head, placing it infront of her.

"Press the button when the person you want to die is infront of you. After pressing the button, I will send whoever is on the picture to Hell."

Chelsea hesitated. "Didn't you say there was a price?"

"Once you press the button, you will be marked with my symbol. The symbol will remind your soul that when you die, you will be also sent to Hell to suffer for eternity. Never to go to Heaven."

"B-But that's not fair! We all made this curse," she whined, pointing to her friends. "It can't just be me that goes to Hell!"

The hoodied figure shook its head. "Only the person who presses the button is sent to Hell. Including the person whose picture you took."

Before Chelsea could argue back, the hoodied figure disappeared, making everything move again.

Liona laughed. "Yeah! She started drooling over the food!"

Que laughed along but stopped when Chelsea wasn't laughing. "Chels?"

Chelsea jumped. "Uh, yes?"

Marianne looked at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

Liona gasped. "Where'd you get that?" she asked, pointing to the camera that somehow made it into Chelsea's lap.

"T-There was a person. Didn't you guys see her?" asked Chelsea, glancing around to see where she went. "She gave me the camera!"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Marianne raised an eyebrow.

Chelsea frowned. "I'm not making it up. She said we-" She stopped, rethinking what the stranger said. "I summoned her after the doll burned."

There was a long pause.

"Girls! Come inside! Let's eat." Mrs. Marington motioned for all the girls to get inside the house.

They followed, Chelsea's gaze not leaving the camera. Que was worried, Marianne was jealous that she didn't see the Death God, and Liona was suspicious, thinking that Chelsea just stole the camera.

Chelsea hid the camera under the table, making sure no one steals it.

Once they finished eating, they went up Marianne's room to discuss what happened.

"Did she say anything?" asked Marianne, sitting on her bed.

"She said that after I press this button, the person whose picture I took will be sent to Hell," Chelsea explained.

Liona smiled. "That won't be hard. We have school tomorrow and Ms. Rowen always checks on the classrooms. You can take her picture then."

Chelsea frowned. "But she said something else."

Que's eyes filled with concern. "Something else?"

"She-" Chelse gulped, holding the camera in her hands. "She said after I press the button, I'm going to Hell too."

The three girls stared at the camera, fear in their eyes, while Chelsea frowned even more.

No one knew what to say.

Liona broke the silence. "So, whoever presses the button is sent to Hell?"

Chelsea looked at her and nodded slowly.

Que looked at the floor, hugging a pillow.

Liona sighed. "So, the question is, who is going to press it?"

Again, a long pause.

Marianne cleared her throat. "Maybe you, Chelsea, since she did show up to you."

"B-But we made the curse together," whined Chelsea.

"Well we can't all press it at the same time," replied Marianne. 

Chelsea had nothing to say to that, but still, she didn't want to press the button.

Que felt uneasy. "W-We should just think about this tomorrow."

They all agreed, going downstairs to meet their parents.

"Good night," said Marianne to the three girls who were standing next to their parents.

"Night. Thank you for the party," they all said back before turning around toward their homes.

Tonight, they would think about who would be pressing the button, but eventually, one will have to. 

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