"Mum...Am I ever gonna bet him back?" I croaked, sounding as broken as I felt.

"Shh...Of course you will. You and Liam belong together. We all know that. You'll get him back, and nothing and no one will tear you 2 apart again," she said, pulling away to wipe my tears again. "Now, come on. Why don't we go down and eat lunch, huh? You must be hungry."

I looked at her in confusion and asked, "Lunch? Don't you mean breakfast?"

"It's 12:30, Harry. You've slept for 20 hours since 4 last night. We didn't wake you up because we wanted to let you sleep. You looked so exhausted and we knew you needed it. You haven't slept like that in over the past week."

"Really? No wonder I'm so hungry," I said and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Look who's finally up!" Louis said cheerfully as we walked in and I sat at the table.

"Morning everyone," I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.

"Weren't you wearing those clothes yesterday?" Louis asked and El slapped him. "What? It is, isn't it Haz?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my chair. "Yeah...I didn't get to change last night when I got home. I was too tired."

"You bet you were. 20 hours, Haz. That's how long you slept for. Man, I wish I could get that much rest," Louis contemplated as he ate.

"It was definitely worth it. I feel slightly better," I said and started eating.

"Maybe I could try sleeping for that long...But then again, I wouldn't get to do 'things' with El if I did. So, never mind; it isn't worth it," Louis said and winked at El, who rolled her eyes.

"How are you feeling, Harry? We know it's hard for you, but you will get Liam back; if that's what you're worried about," El asked, smiling softly at me.

"Really Haz? You're worried about that?" Louis said and snorted at me. "Well, that's a waste of your time. You know that you'll get Liam back anyways. It's like you 2 are - ...What do you call that?.......Oh! Soulmates! That's what you 2 are."

I sighed and finished eating. "I don't know about that. What if none of that matters anymore? What if Liam completely forgets about me and moves on to somene else? What am I supposed to do then? Just watch like I support him and die on the inside? I'd rather die altogether."

"Harry, honey don't think that way," Mum said, rubbing my back as she hugged me. I leaned into her and closed my eyes, feeling tears threatening to fall. "You will get Liam back. Louis' right - you and Liam do belong together. We all know it. YOU should believe that and let it come true."

"But Mum...What if Liam really stops loving me? Or if he already did? How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Then make him fall in love with you all over again. But I doubt he stopped loving you. Maybe he needs a little reminder from you. It should be easy, since he fell for YOU over every other person in this town," Mum siad, smiling and kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, Haz! Just make him fall in love with you again!" Louis exclaimed.

"How?" I asked, sounding tired as I looked at him.

"How'd you make him fall for you before?" El asked, leaning towards me, looking excited.

I squirmed in me seat and looked away from anyone. "I- uh...you know. Didn't I tell you all before?"

They shook their head at me and leaned in to listen. "No, you didn't Harry! Just tell us!" El exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

"Well, I-...I don't really know for sure, but I told him that I liked him a lot. That I found him intriguing for the past 2 years and I wanted to get to know him better. I thought it would freak him out, but it didn't. He...stayed - with me," I said hesitantly, smiling at the end.

Truly, Madly, Deeply [Lirry] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now